Ships that aren't in the water.

Jul 06, 2009 21:20

Shameful, shameful, how I am so narrow in what I love.

1. Harry/Draco [Harry Potter] (It's rival!love with wands and stuff.)
2. Leon/Seifer [KH2] (Completely improbably, but I'm addicted.) 
3. Seifer/Squall [Final Fantasy VIII] (Rival!love is my OTP... they were my first, and I can't stop!) 
4. Batman/Catwoman [Batman] (I never remember which name she's going by, so whatever works, yeah?)
5. Poison Ivy/Harley Quinn [Batman] (They're so cute together! It's adorable! )
6. Bill/Sookie [True Blood] (I've seen the first season, and I have to wait for the second to come out on DVD before I can watch it.)

7. Axel/Roxas [KH2] 
8. Gojyo/Hakkai [Saiyuki]
9. Heero/Wufei [Gundam Wing] (I still like this a little, but mostly out of loyalty and because I read something that was brilliantly done and sexy to boot.)

10. Harry/Ron [Harry Potter] (They're best friends, and Ron is too funny for Harry, I think.) 
11. Seymour Guado/Tidus [Final Fantasy X]
12. Alucard/Anyone [Hellsing] (He's on a pedastal in my head; he doesn't belong with anyone!)

13. Zack/Cloud [Final Fantasy VII]
14. Dante/Vergil [Devil May Cry]

Why do you dislike #11 so much? [Seymour Guado/Tidus (FFX)]
I don't really comprehend how Seymour Guado could have a sex drive that pertains to feeling about others in any way except for them being a hole. Seymour's really kind of a madman, and although his childhood must have sucked (look at his mom!), he's not the kind of man to bother persuading anyone to have any sort of relationship. Except for political reasons, or gaining something for himself.

Who is someone you know that ships #14? [Dante/Vergil (DMC)]
Probably? I don't keep up with these things. But they would be pretty together, in a kind of incestuous way. Well, it would be hot.

What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3? [Seifer/Squall (FFVIII)]
Oh dear. Hm. I like the ones where they argue first, and then annoy each other, and then fight and it turns into spur-of-the-moment-angry-sex.

Which is your favorite moment for couple #1? [Harry/Draco (Harry Potter)]
In the actual books? "Potter Stinks" badges won my heart years ago.

How long have you been following couple #6? [Bill/Sookie (True Blood)]
Since I watched the entire first season of True Blood. It's such a cute relationship, even if it's all vampire-y, which makes me uncomfortable because I can't process it very well in my head. (Vampirism just doesn't make sense to me, the way most people think it does.)

What's the story with #8? [Gojyo/Hakkai (Saiyuki)]
I was really only interested in the version where they're all living in heaven-- the one with all their past lives or something like that. It's also because I've fallen out of the series, although Kazuya Minekura is still one of my favorite artists.

You have the power to make one ship non existent. Choose from #10 or #12. [Harry/Ron (Harry Potter)] & [Alucard/Anyone (Hellsing)]
I pick Alucard/Anyone. Mostly because I rather strongly disagree with Alucard having a sexuality, or being capable of nonsense like that. He's Alucard, he doesn't need sex, all he wants to do is entertain himself by killing people or something like that. And because I don't like Harry/Ron, but Ron is fun and frustrating and funny, and it hurts me to deny him something I disagree with. (Yes, I'm concerned about fictional characters.)

Which ship do you prefer #2 or #4? [Leon/Seifer (KH2)] or [Batman/Catwoman (Batman)]
Leon/Seifer, hands down. Mostly because of Michi, and the super small Leon/Seifer shippers out there. Also, there are so many versions of Catwoman that I get a headache and want them to make up their mind of what she looks like and how she meets Bruce Wayne and so on and so forth.

What interests you about #14? [Dante/Vergil (DMC)]
It's really that they're pretty, and look alike, but their personalities are different. And their color scheme. :O My reasons are so shallow and visual! Where is my depth? Um.

Why did you stop liking #7? [Axel/Roxas (KH2)]
It bored me, and I found myself disliking most of the ways they were portrayed in stories and such. The art is pretty, though.

Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the series? [Heero/Wufei (Gundam Wing)]
No! I just stopped paying attention to the series on my own, and moved on.

What's a song that reminds you of #5?
Um. I don't know. I've never thought of one for them before! Maybe "Kiss Me" by Sixpence None the Richer, just because it reminds me of gardens and (consequently) Poison Ivy.

If you could have any of these two pairings double-date, who would it be?
Leon/Seifer and Heero/Wufei. Seifer'd annoy them all, it'd be brilliant.

Have #2 kissed yet? [Leon/Seifer (KH2)]

Did #4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely? [Batman/Catwoman (Batman)]
Not that I'm aware of. At all.

What would make you start shipping #13? [Zack/Cloud (FFVII)]
Really, really well written story. With plot and no grammatical errors that I would notice.

If only one could happen, which would you prefer, #2 or #6? [Leon/Seifer (KH2)] or [Bill/Sookie (True Blood)]
Leon/Seifer, hands down.

You have the power to decide the fate of #10 . What happens to them? [Harry/Ron (Harry Potter)]
Um. They fall out of love in a very amenable way, and joke about it later, and everything is cool.

Which do you dislike the most?
Seymour Guado/Tidus. It really bothers me when Seymour is paired with anyone, it just seems irrevocably wrong to me, and I can't stop disliking it.

Which of these ships do you love the most?
MUST I CHOOSE? Um. Leon/Seifer, because they don't have enough supporters, and it's another version of Seifer/Squall, my OTP, and then Harry/Draco because it's another rival!love thing that I just can't stop disliking. Rival!love is cute, I think, and hawt, and other adjectives that haven't occurred to me yet.


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