bored and feeling lonely

Mar 03, 2006 10:08

Everytime i go to my LJ or blog, i'll ALWAYS find that most of my newer post was never having anyone to visit (eg. the long quiz taken from eien_no_kaze)was it because i didn't make a good design on my webpage? Anyway i think i got sick and tried to go to LJ every now and then finding no one leaving comments or giving advice to my things from now on.

As for the webpage design, 1st i got limited time to use computer, so i don't think i have much time on making one. 2nd, i don't really know how to make one for this LJ. The system i'm using now is seem more complicated than blog. 3rd, I HATE TO SPEND TIME ON A THING THAT NO ONE WILL EVER COME TO LOOK AT IT!

People i've know (not in my friends list) write more rubbish (or ranting) than me but having more than 30 comments!? Ok, i bet it's comments also contant rubbish, but having at least one comment on at least every 2nd entry, to me, it will feels like you ARE NOT been forgotten to 1 side, but too bad people remember only your name, giving all sorts of tags (yes, i've read some of my friends page, but didn't do some reply since i don't know what to say and i don't like to give comments i don't and never understand it) Ok, from tomorrow onwards, i make a rule to me myself: if no one is bother to take a look at your things, don't bother do their tagging game, and rather to be alone than trying to make friends with them. I really sick and tried to make friends with those people (and i have met alot of those type of people since primary school, calls you nicely just to help them, don't need you just kicked you away, leaving you confused and sudden lonely) and i will NEVER understand how people's mind works.

Anyway if no one wants to visit it, i might as well treat it as my diary, rather doing things trying to please people.

The last and only one tagging game:

got tagged by amari_sakura

Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 Guilty Pleasures" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 Guilty Pleasures as well as state this rule. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

1. scolding people without meaning to ( i know people will always said that to me)
2. eating junk food
3. watching too much anime and manga + playing to much games [both computer games and some offline games like GBA] (this shows i've no life to live on)
4. never do things i've promised
5. Breaking rules (like this one, i don't want and having not enough people to tag on)

People to tag: none (most people has been tagged in my friends list. This only proves that i never go around and find people to friend me or i friend them)

Note to echizensei or any BC members who wants FMA movie: I'm having peoblem uploading them, as last night i've loading it for 3 hours striaght but still failed in the i will try my best to upload them. :) And if Sei-neesan wants to watch it badly, i can go to somewhere near your place and pass you the cd, since i've copy them to my computer ^^"

tried, angry

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