Taisuke Birthday Tribute ♥♥♥♥

Jun 24, 2008 20:32


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fujigaya taisuke, kis-my-ft2, fic

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Comments 53

misako_amaya June 24 2008, 19:55:41 UTC
""Tai-chan, please, I have something for you~"

"I don't want to have sex with you""

I died when I read it XD

So. Icons are cute :D Photos too!

And fic great! :*


yuya_lovah June 24 2008, 20:37:54 UTC
Aww, thank you :*
I'm happy that you liked it XDD it's the second and probably the last XD fic in English XDD.


misako_amaya June 25 2008, 09:10:57 UTC
No last. Because how I will can read next fic?T_T


yuya_lovah June 25 2008, 13:03:26 UTC
OhhçOç how cute çOç +hugs+
I'll try to write more then <3


crimsonetoile June 24 2008, 20:07:07 UTC
Happy b-day Taisuke <33
I love the picspam but this pic is my fav >DD
Icons, you always make pretty ones, so this time. I especially like #1 and #11 *QQQQ*
About a fic, I enjoyed it! ^_^ Really cute. Haha upset!childish!Taisuke is so adorable. Hm but you know me and NiSen omg ;DDDDDDD Poor Senga but why he didn't want any sex details? that could be interesting hahah


yuya_lovah June 24 2008, 20:31:39 UTC
I wanted to make for him another postXD but I'm going to do it tomorrow XDD +she loves Taisuke too much XDD .
Awww, the screen from Ryo's Race =ççç= that pic shows the best Taisuke's part XD +points at Taipi's sexy aura XD+.
Thanks *_* I like the #1 too *_*.
Thank youu çOOOç I wasn't so sure about it ç_ç 'cause my English is a little bad and write something in it is so hard o-o but y friend told me that it was good ç_ç. I've finished it on time o_o I mean XD it's a miracle XDD +dies+.
Poor Senga XD he wanted only to be with Nika XD instead of bear Taisuke's paranoia XDD he's so young for sex details XDD Nika probably would do the same to him XDD .
Taisuke loves Hiro XDD


yamapi_chan June 24 2008, 20:52:51 UTC

This is my favouriteeeee XD because Taisuke benkei is the made of win!!XDDDDDDD I would want to have a calendar with Taisuke's photos like that おねがいします!
Know you how much would be nice see august with "Taisuke benkei" on the beach? XD

Oh I'm so touched~ You've used also my idea ç_ç
While I was washing dishes I thought abou it ç_ç and...o_o boh XD but honestly I wanted also 21 fics XD
As I've already said, your icons are very very nice! this is my favee!!

About the fiiiic *_* I had already read this, but I've re-read it again XD
So sweet~~
Taisuke is adorable XD he wanted only Hiro's present in the end XDD
SENKAIDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~ I'm pretty sure that is my fault, ne~??
POOR SENGAAA XDDDDDDD +dies+ he wanted only to stay with Nika and instead Taisuke has destroyed Senga's plan XD so this is the true reason of Senga's desperation XD
I wanted to read about Nika who kicked with love Hiro's ass XDDD something like: "Go to give your present to Taisukeee!!+kicks Hiro+"

"Your room~?"Do the lemoooon ;__________; ( ... )


yuya_lovah June 24 2008, 21:23:59 UTC
YOUUU!! You tease Taisuke even during his birthday XDD +she does the same anyway XD+. I wanted to put more Benkei's pics XD and I was lì lì XDD to put Matachan as well XDD but Taisuke deserved a better pics for a public entry *_*.
I don't want to see Taisuke/Benkei on the beach XD it would be a trauma XDD worse than his African origins XD

I did çOOOç even if XD when you appeared on msn and told me: You can put 21 photos too *_* I was like: EHHHHH??XDD 'cause I knew that it would be hard XDD I spent the whole day only to find a decent pics and not too much rareXDD sai quanto non volessi che la gente se le prendesse XDD .
Sure, 21 fics and I had to started them since September XDD I'm too slow XDD as if you don't know it XDD
Thank you ♥♥♥♥ se lo dici tu che son carine mi fido ç__ç

Taisuke was obsessed with Hiro's present XDD hiro li poteva dare Hiroro-chan XDD it would be happy early ç__ç +pats Taichan XDD+.
You guess?XDD but now XD I put SenKaido when I can XD You understood the real intentions behind Senga's behavior XDD he ( ... )


yamapi_chan June 24 2008, 21:51:35 UTC
I'm sorry XDD Wasn't my real intention tease him during his b-day, but benkei pic has said to me: ballyrag me!!Please *_* un po' come faceva senga nella doccia con Nika su XD

You were a bit shocked XD u_u but my thoughts are clever, as that one of Hikka's turtle XD ♥♥♥♥♥♥ PERCHE' LUI VUOLE UNA TARTARUGA E SUA MAMMA NON GLIELA COMPRAA XDDD che razza di animale inutile poi XD anche se me la comprerei XD solo per dire che io ce l'ho e lui no XD

You must put Senkaido everywhere, is like a religion ♥♥♥♥♥♥
çOç I'm too clever XD I understood the real intentions of my baby Sengaaaa ♥♥ +pats Senga too+
siii XD Per difendere Senga questo ed altroo XD

You must finish my Senkaido♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ +hearts spam+ and and and after you'll can write how does it feel to be the semeee *_*

You did it♥♥



yuya_lovah June 25 2008, 01:21:54 UTC
I don't believe you, you know? u_U'' you've always tease Hikaru XD (Stavo per scrivere Hiro eh xDD), so why you shouldn't tease Taisuke?u-u
Why to me, Benkei only said: Montami sopra?XDD che ti infilzo con lo spadone?XDD che momento ç__ç Nika lo voleva torturare ç__ç

I was ç__ç più che altro XD because I've thought that I had to put even 21 videos XDD
Magari la tartaruga gioca con Pocky XDD di cui ti ho rivelato la creazione del nome XD (ma quanto fa schifo session?XD).
Senga wanted to stay over Nika XDD

La sto facendooo çOOç mo' senga viene =3



meg_arashi June 24 2008, 21:11:32 UTC
k belle ste immmy*OOOO*
la fanfic beh.. meglio nn leggere in inglese capirei poco,ma tnt pocoXD
i loveU


yuya_lovah June 24 2008, 21:30:40 UTC
Perchè lui è bellissimo <3
XDD povera Meggiee XDD +patta+ basta sapere che Hiro e Taipi si amano tantoXD


loveandcoffee June 24 2008, 21:38:15 UTC
Auguri ♥♥♥♥

Awww la fic era carinissima *__* (la tartaruga di Hikaru m'ha ammazzato X°D) sai che ora che ci penso non avevo mai letto niente scritto da te? ò__O

Le foto *__* *salva* anche delle icone ce n'è un paio che forse userò, arrubbo con ardore ♥ grazie ♥


yuya_lovah June 25 2008, 00:31:09 UTC
Graziee çOç scriverla in inglese è stata una faticaccia XD perchè ho il lessico (O_o) abbastanza limitato XD è veroo XD ma non siamo mai entrate per bene nell'argomento XD e di solito non propino la mia roba (Manco spacciassi XDD) alla povera ente X°°°D.

Prendi pure ♥


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