S t a t s .
Name: Crystal.
Age: 18.
Previously matched with: Yusuke.
A b o u t Y o u .
Likes: Music. Anime. Video Games. Coffee. Finland. Things like that.
Dislikes: Bad smells. Hot weather. Sleep, because it's totally overrated. Being ignored or not taken seriously.
Strengths: I'm really blunt and honest. I can get through any bad situation and still smile at the end of it all. I take my mistakes, and I learn from them.
Weaknesses: I have a hard time keeping my friends, because I'm very socially awkward at first. I don't know when to not say something in case it'll hurt someone else. I'm sometimes too honest, too rash, and too impulsive.
Hobbies: Writing, reading, watching shows, singing, dancing.
Describe your personality in four words: INFP. XDDD
T h i s O r T h a t .
Outgoing or reserved? Normally reserved, outgoing around friends.
Dreamer or realist? Dreamer.
Aggressive or passive? It depends on the situation.
Intuition or logic? Intuition.
Optimistic or pessimistic? Optimist, to keep myself from going more insane.
Night or day? Night.
Independent or dependent? Independent.
Secretive or open? It's not that I'm necessarily secretive, it's just...some things are too hard to say.
Mature or immature? Mature.
Traditional or unconventional? UNCONVENTIONAL.
C h a r a c t e r .
What is your main goal in life? To travel and see the world! I want to see and learn as much as I can.
How do you usually deal with anger or frustration? I grab my headphones and blast my music as loud as possible by drowning out my own thoughts so that I forget the anger.
What one thing makes you the happiest? Seeing other people happy. =)
What do you consider to be your greatest asset? Besides physical stuff? My weird sense of humor. I somehow have the ability to make most people laugh even when they don't want to, and I love that.
What is your dream job? Being a translator!
Are you a rule-breaker or do you usually try to stay on the "proper" side of things? Neither, really. I'll follow the rules if they make sense to me, but if they don't, I have no problem breaking them. I guess it's more like..I live by my own rules.
How important are material possessions to you? Not very.
What would be your ultimate downfall? Probably how unplanned I am. I don't plan for anything in advanced, and I'm sure at some point it'll hurt me, but you know what? I'd still rather live in the moment. Because in the end, that's really all you have.
V o t e s .
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