S t a t s .
Name: Rebecca, (but most people call me Beck)
Age: 18, soon to be 19
Sign: you mean zodiac? Cancer.
Looking for men/women/all of the above? Heh, men please.
A b o u t Y o u .
Likes: drawing, studying ancient history, surfing the net, writing prose, alone time, stuffed animals
Dislikes: Massive amounts of stress, idiots, being too emotional in front of people, stalkers.
Strengths: strong intellect, good(sarcastic) sense of humor
Weaknesses: a really bad temper, procrastination
Element you relate most to: I don't know...that's kind of a silly question. I suppose water because I like water...*shrugs*
Describe your personality in four words: different unexpected individual distant
Where do you see yourself in ten years? as a successful museum curator
Favorite food: right now I am really craving a chicken sandwhich...>.>
Least favorite food: as a college student, you learn to eat pretty much anything. But I still hate beans.
Favorite color: purple
Favorite animal: cat. I have 4 of them furballs.
Favorite genre(s) of music: alternative/techno/dance
T h i s O r T h a t .
Mature or immature? Sometimes I feel like I'm too mature around some people. Maybe it's because college campuses are full of degenerate idiots. *shrug*
Leader or follower? I'd rather be in charge, so I know that the leader of the group is doing the right thing. I hope I'm doing the right thing anyway.
Calm, passive, or hyper? Depends on the situation, and how much Vault I have consumed.
Optimistic or pessimistic? I try to be more of an optimist nowadays. There's no sense in being pissed off and mopey all the time for no reason.
Impulsive or meticulous? Meticulous...every thing must be in place properly before I do something otherwise I feel as if I will fail.
Outgoing or shy? I'm somewhere in the middle. Outgoing usually, but shy in large crowds around people I don't know.
Fate or free will? Free Will. I will do what I want, when I want, and how I want to...as long as it's not completely ridiculous.
Sloppy or neat? A little bit of both. Sometimes neatness with work leads to sloppiness in dorm...hmm.
Y Y H R e l a t e d .
Favorite character: Yanagisawa O.o
Why? He just stands out from the crowd. He seems to be the only character that actually acts pretty normal in the series and isn't freakishly calm/weird/overpowered. Also one of the most realistic.
Least Favorite Character: oh boy...Kurama.
Why? Well, he's one of those types that thinks he can get away on looks alone. Also, the fact that he is practically the gary stu of YYH, (so perfect, flawless, smart, etc) makes me kind of ill.
Reikai, Ningenkai, or Makai? Ningenkai...it's home, isn't it?
If you were a demon, what kind of powers would you want to have? I'd rather not be a demon. As a demon, you end up somewhat devoid of feelings and emotions and either end up as a raging monster or a posterboy/girl for fanboys/girls to drool over. Not exactly my cup of tea.
L o v e r b o y / L o v e r g i r l .
What's most important to you in a partner? Well, loyalty above all. And someone who is willing to sit and listen to me when I have problems. Overall pretty easy going, polite, gentle. Also having a sense of humor and some intelligence would be nice.
What qualities do you find the most attractive? I have a thing for guys with really dark brown eyes, they're so soulful. I also go for people that are a lot taller than me. As for build, I vary a lot, but always find myself going for relatively lean types because too skinny makes me ill and too much muscle would smother me.
What's your dream date like? A trip to the movies, probably to see something funny so we can laugh with each other. Then getting dinner at a drive in and sitting under the stars with some good noms. Then probably heading back to my place or theirs to crash and figure something else to do until we both fall asleep.
You've fallen in love - how do you break the news to your crush? (If you tell them at all) It'd take me a long while...but I'm sure I would tell them, even though I would probably be a little awkward about it.
Oops - it didn't work out. How do you break things off? I'd probably be very upset at the time and wouldn't be able to do anything, but after a while I'd tell them that things weren't going so well and wish them all the best in life.
V o t e s .
Please provide the links of three unstamped applications you've voted on.
Uhm...there was only one REGULAR application that was unstamped so...
http://community.livejournal.com/yuyu_matchmaker/21908.html#cutid1http://community.livejournal.com/yuyu_matchmaker/22770.html#cutid1http://community.livejournal.com/yuyu_matchmaker/22474.html#cutid1 P i c t u r e s .
Hope the links work >.>