DID YOU KNOW ramen/soba/udon isn't the only GOOD kind of instant noodle?! And that instant THAI noddles are AMAZING?!
My stage manager brought instant Pad Thai noodles to practice today for lunch. And then let me have some. Big~ mistake. xD
Let me start with last night. Sam got on Yahoo and randomly started talking to me. And then till almost one in the morning. It was... odd.
Then this morning, I wake up with this feeling that my stomach won't want to deal with any food today. (Stupid LADY PARTS!) I needed to be at school at eight. My dad got me out of bed at 7:50. So I had ten minutes to find random clothes, put them on, brush my teeth, fix my hair, put makeup on and get to school.
I got there at 8:05 starving. THEN I saw the buffet table of doughnuts. I had two and a half doughnuts and three glasses of juice before I finally said to myself, "Self. You are going to get very violently ill if you don't stop eating. -throws second half of third doughnut away- You are not allowed to eat ANYTHING else today."
When it got time for our lunch break, they brought in these lil things- I forget the name of 'em- but they were REALLY GOOD. I had one, and it was like, "... HOLY FREAKING CRAP! MUST. EAT!!!!" So I had three of those, a massive chocolate chip muffin, and then a gingerbread chocolate chip muffintop. And another few glasses of juice. (I drank the last of the mango twist, much to the despair of the rest of the cast and crew. xD) Then Alaina, my stage manager, started cooking instant Pad Thai noodles in our tech director's microwave.
Me: ... Holy crap, those smell AWESOME... -drifts over- Hey, Alaina~.
Alaina: Hey. -glances at Sam- Are you okay?
Me: Hm? Oh, yeah. I'm fine.
Alaina: That eating binge was NOT fine. And your voice is shaking a bit. Is his presence bothering you?
Me: No... he said last night that he thinks I've been really bitchy to him lately.
Alaina: I WONDER why!
Me: Exactly.
Alaina: But, seriously. Is he bothering you? Because I can give you something to do, if he is. You just have to tell me, and I can take care of it.
Me: I'm okay, though. -sits down-
Alaina: But you don't seem fine...
Me: ...OH... Well... see, I got kind of... "sick" last night...
Me: NO! Are you an idiot?! I don't drink. What I meant is that, I, uh, am having this WOMANLY issue... -hinthint winkwink nudgenudge- Ya know what I mean?!
Alaina: OH. I'm sorry.
Me: It's just, when I get "sick" like this, my body does really weird things when I eat too much... and I've eaten too much.
Alaina: -feels my forehead-
Me: When the problem is my UTERUS, I kind of doubt that I have a fever, Alaina. >.<
Alaina: Well, if you feel like you're gonna throw up, just don't do it backstage. Try and make it to a toilet.
Me: ... Okay...
Alaina: -picks at noodles-
Me: Those smell really good, by the way.
Alaina: Oh, I don't think I'm gonna finish them. You want a bite?
Me: YES! -attacks noodles-
So that was that.
Practice itself was great; the techies have more fun than the actors. Especially techies at large. Because we sit around waiting for somebody to tell us to do something. And sometimes that takes a while. So you get bored backstage and start playing with the stage knife that has a retractable blade. xD I think I like techie-ing better than acting at times. ^.^
Anyways... my "little sister" is coming to pick me up for church here in a minute... and I need to clean my room, since she's spending the night and my room looks like a train wreck... (as always...) xD;;
See you soon! -waves