Stranded Log - 1

Feb 15, 2011 16:07

Me: Physical condition is good. Food supply is fine. Since my perfectly smooth arrival here on Island X, I’ve kept my location undisclosed. No one seems to be aware of my existence. Everyone seems quite unguarded, which is to be expected, since I detect no other presence than theirs. Here are some of my findings:

Island perimeter: 24 km

Wildlife: Many birds, a few deer , fish and seemingly few predators (with the exception of man).

Shelter: Most seem to have gathered in the shelter area near a grotto on the north end of the island. A few people who seem to think they’re cooler than everyone else have dispersed into caves. Or they were banished because of bad BO or something. Also up for debate.

People related: When female and male birds are separated from each other into cages, the males will often form same sex relationships. The same seems to be true of this island. I’ve noticed ten male/male pairings. I’m not homophobic or anything, it’s just interesting to observe the opposite majority than you would see while walking around Osaka. Did everyone stuck on the island happen to be gay? Or did the circumstances influence the formation of a pairing? Did Valentine's Day have anything to do with this? Maybe none of it is true, maybe a little of everything. Who knows. What do you readers think? Feel free to debate in comments as long as you refrain from any derogatory language.

Picture of this couple removed because one of the guys is a spoilsport. If you wanna keep it a secret so bad, be more careful.

Anyway, getting away from mushy stuff.

Friends: Some of my senpai you guys may remember from the EARLY DAYS blog that I linked happen to be here as well. Chitose has a “garden,” which is not at all surprising. Shirashi still does yoga every morning. It looks pretty painful. Are there even bones in his body? Kenya has taken up with the redhead from Seigaku (who seems to possess a ridiculously big rabbit. Do they breed on the island? Are there giants, like in Guillver’s travels?).

I’m running low on laptop battery. More from me after I get the generator set up.


(ooc: The text Zaizen has linked is his magazine article. It is attached to the flist by his entry AND can be seen by anyone who follows his column online. Also, if any character wants to notice the random plane wreck on the beach caused by Zaizen, feel free too. His identity is currently a secret. Since this secret is poorly kept [given the plane crash, discussion of teammates and username], use your discretion as to whether or not your character would figure it out based on their cleverness and affiliation with Shitenhouji/Zaizen.)

blog, couples

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