I don't know how many people still read this who write SGA, but I know there are a few of you.
And I think that even if I don't have the right to ask anybody else, considering how I never get anything written, at least one of you owes me one for distracting me into writing a whole fic(let) when I was supposed to be writing a paper. So, in honor/celebration/defiance, I have a challenge for you that I have been thinking about.
I might post a little something about my own thoughts and reactions. Not so much because I want to add to what everyone else has said, but because I need to say it.
Anyway, the challenge is this. I have a fic title, and I'd like you to write the story that goes with it (or draw it, or perform an interpretive dance; I won't quibble). The title is Rodney Has a Lot of Explaining To Do.
I would be so, so pleased if at least one person wrote something, however short or cracked or anything! (I have one for you Whovians too...later.)