(no subject)

Oct 24, 2003 01:52

Zabieru23 (1:11:26 AM): If you were wondering, Aria, I do love you and that's why I treat you so badly.
XByTheWindowX (1:11:49 AM): don't make me call the women's help hotline on your ass
Zabieru23 (1:11:54 AM): Why I stand you up and sleep with other women and won't return your calls and then stagger home drunk and bleeding.
XByTheWindowX (1:13:21 AM): of course baby, i know ya love me baby!
Zabieru23 (1:13:21 AM): But then as you gently wash the fragments of the broken bottle out of the cuts on my face and tend to all my bruises, I tell you that I really do love you, and it's all wonderful again until I turn my head away from you and your heart sinks, but with a sense of great relief you realize I just didn't want to vomit in your lap.
XByTheWindowX (1:13:55 AM): very. very. very great relief..ew..........
Zabieru23 (1:14:46 AM): But you wake up in the morning and all that's left of me is a still-warm impression in the pillow and when you run out to catch me before I get in my truck and drive away I don't remember any of it.
XByTheWindowX (1:15:06 AM): ah, livin the good life
Zabieru23 (1:17:01 AM): And you don't see me again for three days, until I come staggering in again smelling just the way you'd expect a man like me to smell after three days and bleeding, again.
Zabieru23 (1:17:43 AM): This time I pass out before you can wash the blood out of my eyes.
Zabieru23 (1:18:01 AM): And in the morning I'm gone again, this time for good.
XByTheWindowX (1:20:40 AM): ah, and i stand at that damn window this time watchin the truck pull out of the drive
Zabieru23 (1:20:53 AM): But later that afternoon Marcie, the bartender, comes by and tells you how I durn near killed Jimmie Williams after he done tol' the whole bar some story 'bout how you an' him met up behind the barn one day last month.
XByTheWindowX (1:21:31 AM): an i dread what happens when ay come home this time smellin like whiskey
Zabieru23 (1:23:03 AM): But at the same time you see Jimmie after the doctor lets him out of bed again and you see the stitches on his throat and you secretly hope that I'll come home, and this time it'll all go right.
Zabieru23 (1:24:56 AM): And sometimes at night you stay up with the light on hoping you'll hear footsteps on the porch.
Zabieru23 (1:27:33 AM): And finally one night, a month later, you do, but it's not my rangy prowl, or even a drunken stagger. Sherriff's standing there and he's got his poker face on, but you can tell he doesn't want to talk to you.
XByTheWindowX (1:28:54 AM): an i can guess what happened, cuz his eyes say it, but he has to talk anyway
Zabieru23 (1:33:15 AM): He clears his throat and takes his hat off as he steps over the threshold and he says 'They found his truck, they think, down by the river. 'Bout two dozen miles past the county line. He wasn't in it, but it didn't much look like the kind of thing a man survives. Hit a post, looks like, then rolled down to the riverbank.'
Zabieru23 (1:33:32 AM): 'I'm right sorry to have to tell you like this, ma'am.'
XByTheWindowX (1:34:04 AM): an i sya..didja..didja find his body, officer?
Zabieru23 (1:34:38 AM): He clears his throat again, like he's gonna say something, and then he just shakes his head.
XByTheWindowX (1:36:13 AM): so officer, i have to ask, i don' even get t'give him a decent burial down at the chruch?
Zabieru23 (1:37:12 AM): The Sherriff looks uncomfortable for a moment, then he says something. You talk some more, but it's all a blur.
Zabieru23 (1:38:25 AM): He leaves and you watch his taillights receding down the road and disappearing behind the dust of the gravel road.
Zabieru23 (1:39:32 AM): A distant part of your mind is suprised that you're so cool, so numb, so devastated. Mostly, though, you're trying to keep the truck on the road as your vision blurs.
Zabieru23 (1:40:33 AM): You can see the light pole, though. It's been half bent-over. He liked to drive fast, when he was drunk.
Zabieru23 (1:41:34 AM): You get out and climb down through the gap in the brambles.
Zabieru23 (1:42:35 AM): There's his truck, alright, big and beat-up and just like it always was, ony now it's rolled over upside down.
Zabieru23 (1:45:01 AM): You scramble through the bushes franticly, but there's no trace of him. As dawn approaches, an officer from the Highway Patrol sends you home again.
Zabieru23 (1:46:07 AM): The End.
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