Lol, survey

Dec 31, 2003 11:24

I gave ch0chang this survey to do a while ago, and now she's got it over and done with, I decided to re-post my results(from about 2 months ago), lol.

[[FIRST & MIDDLE NAME:]] Blaise. I have no middle name.

[[NICKNAMES:]] Zabini? I'm Babe to quite a few of the Slytherins, and Father calls me Princess.
[[HAIR COLOR:]] Brownish? Dark chocolated coloured? I've been told it looks good enough to eat, so...
[[HAIR LENGTH:]] It stops somewhere along my back. My hair's usually up when I'm at Hogwarts, no need for my potions to contain Essence of Blaise.
[[EYE COLOR:]] A much more flattering green than Potter's, I believe.
[[HEIGHT:]] I'm tall enough to intimidate the First Years, that's what counts, right?
[[WEIGHT:]] Average, I suppose? I'm definitely lighter than Bulstrode; she threw me across the room once, for taking the seat closest to the fireplace.
[[BIRTHDAY:]] May 14th, and I've put a block on hexes. Take that, Greengrass.
[[LOCATION:]] Hogwarts. I would've gone to Beauxbatons as Mother wanted, but Father has sole custody of me. After all, my mother ran off with a muggleborn duke; you'd think she would've thought carefully before relinquishing her rights.
[[SHOE SIZE:]] I've small, aristocratic feet.
[[ZODIAC SIGN:]] I'd be a Taurean.
[[SIBLINGS:]] I have a younger sister who will be attending Durmstrang, when she's of age. Father knows us too well to send us to the same school; I would have throttled the nuisance within an hour.
[[PETS:]] Jezebel is my siamese cat, but she's really just a pretty face. The family owl's far more useful, delivering food, messages...sending hexes, you know.


[[THINK YOU ARE ATTRACTIVE:]] Of course. If I hadn't been a pretty infant, I would've been left on the doorstep of some ignoramus of a muggle. Like Potter.
[[SHAVE:]] Why would I try muggle methods of hair removal? A simple hair zapping charm works fine.
[[BELIEVE IN ALIENS:]] Do you mean those muggles dressed up colourful wigs with red noses that you see at the carnival?
[[LIKE SITCOMS:]] *pout* What an ugly word.
[[HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND:]] No, I'm on casual terms with everyone.
[[THINK YOUR STYLE/FASHION IS COOL:]] You've got to be kidding. Anything I wear is hidden underneath these bloody robes.
[[HAVE ANY PIERCINGS:]] I have pierced ears, but all other holes are natural.
[[DO DRUGS:]] No, why would I?
[[DRINK:]] Alcohol? Why would I want to mar my reputation by giving a faulty impression of a mother bird? I drink wine and water though.
[[HAVE SEX:]] If I had, would I tell you? I'm not giving out blackmail material so easily.


[[SMOKED:]] Notice anything about this smile? It's dazzling and /white/.
[[DRANK:]] See above.
[[GOTTEN DRUNK:]] See above above.
[[WENT BUNJEE JUMPING:]] I don't jump muggles, it's not my style, you skank.
[[HAD A CRUSH ON A TEACHER:]] What's to like?
[[BROKE THE LAW:]] Never. I'm a law-abiding Fudge-fearing citizen.
[[RAN FROM THE COPS:]] What the hell's a cop?
[[LAUGHED:]] Of course. You wouldn't believe the incompetence attending Potions class.
[[BEEN SARCASTIC:]] No, never. I mean it.
[[CRIED:]] Of course. I'm still alive and functioning, aren't I?
[[WANTED TO DIE:]] Die of embarrassment, or just..die? Either way, I've never needed to.
[[STOLE ANYTHING:]] Like Draco, for me, it's Finders keepers.
[[TOUCHED THE OPPOSITE SEX'S PRIVATE PARTS:]] As if I'd be able to feel anything under those robes. I don't know who reads this journal, so I'm not saying anything else.
[[MADE YOURSELF THROW UP:]] It's food though, why let it go to waste? [BahIsoundlikeCrabbe]
[[THOUGHT ABOUT OR TRIED TO KILL YOURSELF:]] No, but others might want to get their pretty paws on my money, so.
[[WENT SKINNY DIPPING:]] That wasn't me you saw, I assure you!
[[BEEN IN LOVE:]] Haha, no.
[[GOTTEN INTO A FIGHT WITH YOUR PET:]] Yes, I've lost both times. You can't win when you own a feline with long claws.
[[HAD A DREAM ABOUT SOMETHING WIERD AND IT HAPPENED THE NEXT DAY:]] It's rather insulting to be likened to Trelawney, you know. And it's weird, not wierd.
[[STALKED SOMEONE:]] I've been stalked by pimply little Second Years, turns out they don't like hexes much.
[[HAD A MUD BATH:]] Guess.
[[WISHED YOU WERE THE OPPOSITE SEX:]] Sometimes. So many fanfictions have me presented as a boy, and I'd be able to play on the Slytherin Quidditch team if I was male, right?


[[BLUE:]] Ravenclaw
[[SOCKS:]] Dibbo? Well, whatever that Malfoy elf was called..Dibby....err..
[[MIRROR:]] Bad luck
[[CRACKER:]] Jack
[[COW:]] Millicent
[[FRANCE:]] Beauxbatons
[[ZINE:]] Cheap underground publication
[[AOL:]] AIM
[[JELLY:]] Last night's dessert
[[FISH:]] Out of water


[[WROTE YOU A NOTE:]] Padma Patil- can't she copy someone else's answers?
[[CALLED YOU:]] Adrian Pucey called me wench...or are you talking about those muggle contraptions...fellytones?
[[KISSED YOU:]] My Dad, hee.
[[HUGGED YOU:]] Parkinson. Don't ask.
[[EMAILED YOU:]] I don't have an email...
[[TOLD YOU THEY LOVE YOU:]] Father told me as I boarded the train on Platform 9 and 3/4; not entirely sure he meant it though.
[[WAS MEAN TO YOU:]] Darling, no one's mean to me.
[[SAID SOMETHING NICE TO YOU:]] Flint commented on my appearance after I fell into the lake after a losing duel (Expelliarmus!). He pointed out I was a loser, which coming from him, ain't too bad.
[[SAID THEY HATED YOU:]] No one's ever said that. And if they did, they were just jealous of not being pureblood and Slytherin.

Seven things that scare you:

1. Failure
2. Malfoy.
3. McGonagall
4. Hufflepuffs. How can one house be that happy and loyal and...happy?
5. My Father. He has this huge sword hung above the mantelpiece, and it's got dried blood on it, and when he's in a foul mood, he slams his fist on his desk, and the sword wobbles and then he goes around blasting the house apart. And...yeah.
6. Sticky substances. You know how disgusting if feels to have the honey pot poured over your head?
7. Lucius Malfoy's pimp cane -shiver-

Seven things you love:

1. Silk sheets
2. Honeydukes chocolate
3. My Dad?:D
4. Hmm ... money, I like money.
5. When Longbottom does something wrong in Potions; you should see the look on his face!
6. Money
7. Dragons

Seven things you hate:

1. Melted ice cream
2. Hagrid
3. Bad cologne
4. Flobberworms
5. Failing?
6. That boy in Gryffindor with a camera...whatshisname?
7. Making people cry. I'm a sucker for tears.

Seven things in your room:

1. A bed
2. A mirror
3. A wardrobe
4. My Desk
5. A rug
6. A pot plant
7. Err...A window?

Seven random facts about you:

1. I can wiggle my nose most charmingly.
2. I have a remarkably high alchohol tolerance level.
3. I flip the toilet seat up after I've used it.
4. I can embroider.
5. My robes are always too big- the overgrown bat effect, but hey, I can swish my robes and intimidate.
6. Errr...
7. I can't think of any other random facts.

Seven things you plan to do before you die:

1. Hmm...
2. Errr...
3. Beat Padma Patil at Charms.
4. Experience true love, or something along those lines.
5. Get married, have children, watch them grow up...
6. Make an obscene donation to St Mungo's (it's a family thing, haha).
7. Experience a muggle life, with all their funny fellytones and curling irons.

Seven things you can do:

1. Charms.
2. Pout. I pout so well.
3. Drum my fingers against a hard surface. My nails go clickety-click-click.
4. Play nice.
5. Develop fleeting crushes on boys who play Quidditch.
6. Win a game of Wizard Chess. Easily, hah.
7. Lie.

Seven Things You Can't Do:

1. Lose my temper. It's non existant; pretty pitiful actually.
2. Keep a straight face when the Longbottom boy tips stuff over. His clumsiness is quite cute, you know.
3. Raise either eyebrow.
4. Take my bra off under my robes? My hands are incapable of performing such a task.
5. Fall asleep on a hard surface. It's bloody painful, you know? I get knots in my back the day after.
6. Lose a duel graciously.
7. Umm...I can't give out detentions, because I'm not a prefect...

Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:

1. Personality. That's an obvious one=P
2. Humour. Someone witty, with a twisted sense of humour. I don't get that much here at Hogwarts.
3. Looks. I'd like to be able to stare at a beau forever and ever, so, this is essential!
4. Hair. There's something absolutely desirable about well-groomed hair...
5. Touch. That means stuff like hugs and little cuddles, not outright groping..meh.
6. Money. Money is security=)
7. Arms. For comfort, for support, for sweeping me off my get the gist.

Top Seven things you say/type the most:

1. Bah
2. Really? o-o
3. Lol
4. Umm...
5. Er ...
6. -glance- Yah, I glance a bit.
7. -hugs- I'm a touchy feely person, what can I say? o.o;

Ok, lol, here's another one- I nicked this from askginny

Analysis of relationship with Ginny Weasley(and not in that way, you perverted little schmuck)

1. When and how did we meet? Over lifejournal- I've always loved advice journals:)
2. Have you ever seen me with my shirt off?
3. Have you ever seen me cry? Never. I hate making people cry- I'm a sucker for tears, so I generally try not to make people cry.
4. Describe me in four adjectives. Delightful, witty, charismatic, mischievous
5. If we could spend a day together, what would we do? Probably talk about You-Know-Who all day, then go down to Hogsmeade for some Butterbeers.
6. Have we ever gotten in a fight? No, I don't think so o_O;
7. If you could give me a present, what would it be? A VIP pass into the dorm of You-Know-Who? ;D
8. Would you hug me? Sure, why not? ;) Freckles aren't contagious:o (Kidding, lol- melovesyerfreckles:D)
9. What do you really think of me? You're a sweet person, with a penchant for mischief- I adore you! 'nuff said.
10. Have we ever snogged? Umm....well, we've snogged, just, not...each
11. Has there ever been anything you wanted to tell me, but were scared to? No, not really. I'm pretty open about everything.
12. Wanna make out? With You-Know-Who?
13. Name one thing you don't like about me:
14. When's my birthday? August 10th
15. How old am I? You're a Fifth Year, so err..15?
16. What song would you dedicate to me? Mischievous, by the Weird Sisters
17. Give me a new name; it would be? Vera (It was the first thing that came into my head- I'm kinda horrid at names)
18. What do you love about me? Everything
19. What do you hate about me? Not much ;D
20. What is my best quality? Your easy-going nature
21. What is my worst quality? Being related to Percy? No idea.
22. Could I beat you up? Probably- why would you though? And mar my delightfully soulful expression?

[1] I adore Ginny.
[2] Ginny is errr...bubbly.
[3] If I were alone in a room with Ginny, I would proceed to giggle about You-Know-Who, involved in You-Know-What and know...
[4] I think Ginny should do the can-can down at Hogsmeade in her sparkly pink jumpsuit.
[5] Ginny needs You-Know-Who to live
[6] Ginny will never find out what You-Know-Who did to me last summer, bwahaha!
[7] Ginny can have my hairbrush, lol.
[8] I want to errr..pour a drink for Ginny.

Alright, lol. Go laugh, Gin.
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