I found it to be quite interesting! If you ever want to know more about dandelions, I have a whole patch of them on school grounds. I keep them around just in case.
Is that how you Hufflepuffs always converse with one another or are you proving that my assumptions are indeed correct in the fact that you have given up women in favour of men?
Is that how us Hufflepuffs converse? You mean in English? Usually yes. Although when Justin laughs uncontrollably he does make these peculiar noises that sound just like a dolphin.
Yes, Daphne. Your powers of deduction are astounding. Clearly my use of 'must dash' signals the beginning of pink scarves and sequins.
Comments 8
Yes, Daphne. Your powers of deduction are astounding. Clearly my use of 'must dash' signals the beginning of pink scarves and sequins.
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