I don't think this is coming as a surprise to anyone, I've been pretty waffling and faltering with this for months now. I seem to have an expiratory date with these things and I've just been fighting with the fact that I'm long past the best before. Yadda, yadda, now I'm rambling. Anyway, I'm sorry to those that are going to >:O at me, but this has just become a heavy weight to me, I tried. Thank you so much to those I interacted with, you're all amazing, beyond it even. Adam, Adrian, Keri, Zooey, Amelia, Matthew, Scarlett, Jonathan and probably a bunch of other people that I'm missing, thank you, you're wonderful. Anyway, I'm not going to yammer on much more. If you want to know where to find me ooc, or you know, no one ever leaves this place, etc., etc., send me an email at zedbraffles@hotmail.com and I'll fill you in. I'll be removing people in a few minutes here so if for some reason you want to stay added, let me know. I won't be picking another Zach, mostly because I hope one comes along immediately so that I can't second thought this. Take care and be good.