Looooong ass survey thing.

Oct 29, 2005 23:56

Seriously. So long, I had to put it under a cut

:x: hair color: right now? just black
:x: siblings: none tham I'm claiming...
:x: eyes: hazel-ish green-ish
:x: college: no
:x: high school: uh...I went...if that's even what you're asking
:x: jr.high: went to that too
:x: elementary: that too
:x: favorite place: Huntington Beach
:x: favorite soda: Mountain Dew
:x: favorite food: sushi or anything italian or greek
:x: favorite pen: how many kinds are there?
:x: favorite animal: dog
:x: favorite burger place: Um, I'm a chicken sandwich kinda guy. on that note, Mickey D's spicy chicken kicks ass
:x: favorite hobby: fuck, lots. guitar, touring, watching movies, and a bazillion other things.
:x: bar or club: doesn't matter, as long as the club has a bar, I'm good. (even though I despise dancing...)
:x: favorite shows: not much for tv shows. i like movies.
:x: favorite shirt: my jack daniel's shirt
:x: favorite milkshake: strawberry (thats right. pansy.)
:x: favorite colors: red
:x: favorite weather: rain

:x: have a crush on someone: uhhh i don't really know too many people lol
:x: have a girlfriend/boyfriend: Not anymore no :(
:x: wish you could live somewhere?: Huntington Beach. Touring sucks sometimes.
:x: think others find you attractive: I don't think so, but others might. so ask them.
:x: like cleaning: no, but i like things to not be messy...
:x: like roller coasters: FUCK YES
:x: write in cursive or print: print, unless I'm writing really fast. either way my writing looks like a chicks.
:x: last thought: 'damn my writing looks like a chicks'
:x: last showered: a few hours ago

For or Against
:x: long distant relationships: against, they never work so what's the point.
:x: killing people: against
:x: teenage smoking: Against. Even though I was a teenage smoker. Fucking Hypocrite.
:x: gay/lesbian relationships: for obviously. I go both ways.

Have you
:x: ever cried over a girl or boy: once, tragic really ;-)
:x: ever been arrested: Yes
:x: ever dated a cousin: EW. FUCK. NO!
:x: ever used a gun: yeah, but not like shooting anyone or anything. just shooting cans in highschool
:x: ever got surgery: Yes.
:x: ever got beat up: yeah but not lately
:x: ever hated someone: Yes.
:x: ever tried any drugs: once or twice.
:x: ever jogged a mile: hell no. not a chance.
:x: ever played w/ someone's feelings: No that's crap.

:x: shoes do you wear: the ones nearest me when I'm looking for shoes...
:x: do you sleep in: Boxers
:x: did you eat for lunch: um, whatever's available. despite what you may think, i don't have a personal chef (or someone to cook for me)
:x: is love: uh, i don't know. not long surveys....

:x: favorite number: 11
:x: of times I have had my heart broken?: once
:x: of hearts I have broken?: hopefully none. i really couldn't tell you
:x: of girls/guys I've kissed: Lots of both
:x: of guys/girls you've rejected?: not counting 15 year old groupies? i don't know. i don't keep count. not too many. im not exactly 'hot property' or anything...
:x: of drugs you taken: Not very many. i had an addiction to pain killers a while back, and had occasional relapses though.
:x: of people you broke up with?: a few. i dont know.

Do you think you are...
:x: funny: sometimes
:x: hot: No.
:x: friendly: i try
:x: ugly: yeah kinda
:x: loveable: I don't know
:x: caring: sometimes
:x: dorky: around most people
:x: cocky: haha yeah but all in fun
:x: girly: um, not really
:x: boyish: i suppose...not like 12 yr old boyish or anything
:x: smart: kinda
:x: pimp: uh, no....
:x: angel: nooo.....

Person who last...
:x: slept in your bed: Myself.
:x: saw you cry: I don't even remember
:x: yelled at you: myself...

Have you ever...
:x: gone out in public in your pajamas?: uh yeah lol
:x: kept a secret from everyone?: Yep I'm good with secrets
:x: cried during a movie?: Once. I swear.
:x: ever at anytime owned new kids on the block?: Nope
:x: planned your week based on the TV Guide?: uh NO
:x: been on stage?: You're fucking kidding me right? NO. Never been on a stage. I'm a librarian for a living. I swear.

Pick one...
:x: blue or red?: Red
:x: spring or fall?: Fall
:x: what are you gonna do after you finish this?: I don't know. Talk to people. Play on the internet. Take a piss...again. Damn.
:x: what was the last meal you ate?: Sloppy Joes haha
:x: are you bored?: yeah kind of

:x: do you believe in love at first sight?: NO. But there's lust at first sight. Which can be fine sometimes...as long as it's lust from both sides. Emotion can be crap sometimes let me tell you...
:x: do you want children one day & if so, how many? I really don't know. I'm not exactly hoping for any.
:x: most important thing to you in a friendship is?: well, trust, not like telling each other everything, cause I have my fair share of secrets, but don't talk shit or anything. and the ability to laugh at yourself. if a friend makes a joke about you, get over it, laugh it off. it's your friend for christ's sake.

Random stuff...
:x: criminal record?: nothing too bad
:x: do you speak any other languages?: bits of spanish and french and italian and german && many other things, but not enough of anything to carry on a conversation in any language besides english.
:x: piercings and where?: Xd! where are my piercings or where do i like them? well i have both my ears, my bottom lip on both sides, and septum (bull ring duh), and on someone else i like them......anywhere is great. they're fun.

:x: initials: ZB
:x: how old do you look?: god i don't know....
:x: how old do you act?: uhh depends on my mood and my alchohol levels...
:x: glasses/contacts?: Nope.
:x: braces: Nada
:x: do you have any pets?: Two. Ichabod C. Vengeance (dog) and Jack S. Vengeance (dog) yes i give my dog's full names...get over it
:x: you get embarrassed?: im going to pretend that 'your you get embarrassed?' made sense and say yeah sometimes...
:x: what upsets you?: many things, sometimes if im in a pissy enough mood everything

:x: How often do you brush your teeth? Two times a day
:x: Do you like pigs? pigs? like the animal? messy people? cops? what?
:x: When was the last time you got your nails done? never. I paint them myself
:x: Do you work in a factory? uhh no...
:x: If you gave birth to a baby boy right this second, what would you name him? 'HOLY FUCK' because if I gave birth to a baby EVER then that's the only thing that would be coming out of my mouth...pfft. me? give birth? no.
:x: Are black bras sexier than red ones? bra color doesn't matter
:x: Do you enjoy watching Disney movies? uh...?
:x: Do you go hunting? Nope.
:x: What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish? mashed potatoes :-D!
:x: Is Lindsay Lohan hot? no.
:x: What color are your favorite pair of socks? orange
:x: Do you really "participate" in gym class? well I don't really take gym class anymore. in high school i took weights and yeah i participated
:x: What's the absolute WORST thing that's ever happened to you? no comment kthxbye.
:x: Who's voice is that inside your head, when you are reading words? Is it your own?: you actually hear voices? i think you may need to get checked..
:x: Is The Sims an amusing game to you?: yes.
:x: Are skateboarders annoying or hot?: that all depends on the person, not the stereotype of a 'skateboarder'
:x: Can you play the piano, and well? yes but not that well
:x: Aren't chores boring? yeha
:x: Does your mom make you do chores? yeah my mom comes with me on tour to tell me to take out the trash and clean my bunk.
:x: Are snakes gross? no
:x: Do you go to church? No.
:x: How many lights are in your room? i have no clue nor do i care.
:x: How often do you order something from a catalog? uh, never
:x: Have you ever been on a boat? Yes.
:x: Do you take any medications? yeah for depression and insomnia...although i don't really take the insomnia ones.
:x: Is Lily an ugly name? No. why is that your name or something?
:x: Do you prefer mechanical pencils or the regular ones that you have to sharpen? mechanical
:x: Is your car old? Yeah.
:x: Have you seen the movie Saved? yeah
:x: Do you know anyone who sounds like Austin Powers? i know people who CAN talk like that, but it's not their everyday voice or anything...
:x: When was the last time you had a cold? two weeks ago.
:x: Is money really worth anything? its worth material things. not anything really significant, but its needed to survive
:x: Are you aware that Albert Einstein is dead? duh
:x: Are you scared to look in to mirrors? yeah i'll melt....come on
:x: Have you ever stolen from a friend? No.
:x: Light a match and watch it gleam. Was it pretty?: of course. i love fire.
:x: Are overly happy people annoying? that all depends on what they're happy about
:x: Is the Atlantic Ocean better than the Pacific Ocean?: Pacific. It's a Californian thing. Even thoug I hate going to the ocean cause ocean=sun
:x: Are you in (a) band? No way. never.
:x: Who is the most friendly person you know? Lots of people.
:x: Do you like coffee? I believe the correct word is caffienne. in any form. XD.
:x: Have you ever visited Washington, DC? Yes.
:x: Do you spend most of your time on the internet? ahhhh yeah. sad.
:x: Do you enjoy cooking? Not really.
:x: Are you well paid? well yeah id have to say so
:x: What is the most beautiful place in the world? i havent found it yet
:x: Do you have allergies? in allergy season...
:x: Is Mickey Mouse's voice annoying? No not really
:x: How often do you take a shower/bath? every day (unless on tour. then things get complicated...)
:x: Is your daily routine boring? depends if we're playing or not.
:x: Are people too friendly? No
:x: Do you eat caviar on a regular basis? ew no. although i do like sushi...
:x: Is this survey very random? the random questions are...
:x: Is "wowzer" a stupid word? yes. please dont say it again.
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