Today has been quite um good day.
I try to not smile like an idiot all the time and laugh like a mad man. It's been quite good day. And hiding smiles and laughter is quite hard after a while. I'm in good mood and feeling quite energy all of sudden. And I think I like this feeling.
There are few reasons to my smiling face and laughter. The weather is foggy, pretty nasty and all, but it feels like sun would be shining. I feel like I want to burst out laughing. If I were somewhere else i just might do that.
There hasn't happened anything that big. And if I start to think about the things, I start to smile and want to laugh. It's quite hard to write this for that reason.
I had late morning today, had to go to school at 10 am. I knitted at home, I woke up at the regular time 6 am. I had slow morning and I listened good music, read good fics and knitted. And laughed at myself because of various reasons. The day started in pretty good way.
I noticed I'm having a good hair day after I made my hair for the day. They went as smoothly to their place as ever. I wondered what they were up to. As for clothing, I had a brand new college waiting for me. Could it be any better?
I drove to school from home, and there was time to panic. Gas was almost gone. Got to school. The weather was pretty, foggy and it felt like I was driving in dream world. I couldn't see the road within few meters. Like I would be driving in to white emptiness. It was pretty. And cold.
I got myself to school and tried to look like I was working. I fooled my teacher pretty well, and read fics for the whole lesson. And I did take the notes too.
For food there was lasagne. Good as always. Ate really well. There was good salad too. No dessert thou, but it didn't matter.
The next lesson. Not really wanting to go there, but lukily I went. The teacher (other one that was on morning) opened the door and took his things to the desk and came to talk with me. He told me that I was picked for some board, to check thesis. The work I hear is for clever and good students like me. It's and honor to be picked or something. All I did was smile. Like an idiot. I'm gonna find out what I was picked for next week.
As for the lesson, I read more fics and tried to hide my smile and laughter, almost failing. Propably making more noise than any other in my class. I don't know because I was listening music for the whole lesson.
School day ended for the day part. I have to spend my time somewhere until my evening lessons begin. I headed to HAMK, where I currently am. Opened a computer and got to read my e-mails.
Instant shock. There was an e-mail waiting for me from where i could never guess nor hope. I read the e-mail. Day was on my side. Things couldn't have gone better. I got a place for training in work/or what ever it's called, from a company that I've been trying to get for a year.
I send text message to mom and she called me. She told to take the place immediately. I was smiling for the whole conversation. And from the conversation I got more relieved about going to Great Britain. I'm not going anymore. I know I've been waiting for it, but now when I know I'm not going there is a smile on my face. I feel good about it.
And that's about it.
But of course I have to mention. As I've been reading fics and found out many really good ones, that I have to start to comment on them. I'm really the kind of person who don't comment if I don't feel the piece of text deserves it. I just keep talking to myself about them. This morning thou I found that I wanted to thank various writers about their writings. Tell them that I really respect that kind of writing skills. I want to tell what I liked and get to know them bit better. Perhaps? I don't know. So, now I think I'm going to comment some of the fics I've read today and yesterday. If i have the energy .'''D
And there's even more! As I've read really much, I found myself wanting to write more. And actually show someone that yes, I do write too and not only hide those writings from world. But there is problem. Or few, I'd like to get comments of them, but I don't write fandoms. I read various fandoms, but don't write of them anymore. At least not that often. I would like to write about the worlds inside of my head, but that is not interesting.
So, I'm gonna start writing. Something every day. A poem, ficlet, story. Anything. I don't know yet if I write only in English or only in Finnish or write with both or... We'll see. Even thou, I will start writing today, make a comm. at weekend and start to post them first thing next week. Or something like that.
As you can see, I'm feeling quite good right now. I'm going to spread my good mood all over. I think ^^