Bury Your Diamonds; Destroy Your Rubies

Jul 11, 2010 16:16

Title: Bury Your Diamonds; Destroy Your Rubies
Pairing: Ginny/Luna
Rating: PG
Word Count: 775
Summary: Everyone wanted more of Luna Lovegood's scripture.  But I had the rest of her.
Note: The inspiration for this drabble comes from a daydream I had just yesterday.  The title comes from a song by The Devil Wears Prada, but I can't quite remember which ( Read more... )

pairing: ginny/luna, drabble, harry potter

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Comments 11

dropsofstars July 12 2010, 00:58:38 UTC
I absolutely love this. ♥ The whole piece gives off such a warm and loving feeling.


zagury July 12 2010, 01:13:07 UTC
Thank you so much! That's what I was going for.


musicffyou July 12 2010, 01:08:05 UTC
I love this :D I feel like Ginny wouldn't be the type to be okay with Luna traveling so much, but you made it work


zagury July 12 2010, 01:13:47 UTC
I think Ginny would be okay with time, as they grew older and learned to adjust to each other :) Thanks!


rosehiptea July 12 2010, 17:06:03 UTC
Beautiful. I love the imagery, and the idea of Luna's popularity (but still belonging to Ginny.)


zagury July 12 2010, 22:05:26 UTC
I believe Ginny would have her time for popularity, what with being a Chaser for the Harpies for a good while. But Ginny can't play Quidditch forever, and then I like to think that Luna would have her time to shine as a writer. Thanks so much!


mysloppylove July 15 2010, 00:37:39 UTC
So you've done it again! I love it. As said in an earlier comment, the piece is very warm with all the light imagery.

the pride in someone being "mine" is conveyed so well. the pride one has when your significant other is also adored by others, yet they chose you.

and you deliver as you always do in the tiny moments:

"It was then that I could press kisses to the back of her neck, that I could tell her about the new scouts I was seeking for the Harpies, that I could braid her long hair as she fell asleep in my lap late at night"

personally, i like your writing better when it's subtle on the sex like in this one. when you said "dive and drown".
That other piece you wrote recently was too much for me, haha.

I feel like these could be any two girls, the only specifics to ginny and luna are the mention of their professions

there are my meaningless haughty thoughts for you :)


zagury July 15 2010, 01:23:48 UTC
I do love receiving reviews from you.

I think that pride should belong to any couple that is committed and forever faithful. It probably doesn't happen very often anymore, but this is the world of magic I'm writing in ;)

It's a lot easier to write in the small moments rather than the big ones, even though it's always nice to reminisce in a way that makes the big moments seem smaller, you know?

Never meaningless words! Thanks so much :)


mysloppylove July 15 2010, 01:57:25 UTC
Well I'm flattered :)

Yes, pride is important. Otherwise you end up with a lot of when are you gonna do something with your life conversations...

And yes, I get it. Taking a big memory or even a chunk of time, and simplifying it to an action, a feeling...beautiful.


prunesquallormd July 18 2010, 19:01:18 UTC
Aaww <3
You're such a romantic, and I love you for it :D.

This is such a sweet little snapshot of their relationship. Ginny's acceptance of Luna's travels, and her confidence that, for all that she has to share Luna, what she does have of her is hers alone, it's just ♥ ♥ ♥
This is so gentle, and loving and gorgeous, all full of warmth and sunlight. It feels rather like a lazy Summer Sunday. But there's still just that little frisson of eroticism without it being at all smutty. Gorgeous <3


zagury July 24 2010, 17:45:31 UTC
Oh, isn't there a romantic in all of us? :D

I suppose in my head I see them older in this? After they've settled and Ginny's too old to play Quidditch professionally and such. I also think that no matter what happens and how much distance is created, Ginny always have her little parts of Luna. :)
Funny how you said that! Sunday is my favourite day of the week :)

Thanks so much, as always <3


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