I have glasses now! So I can see, which is a fun experience. I thought I could see before but I was apparently wrong. Wearing glasses is like the difference between standard definition TV and HD. :o
Keeping them clean is a super pain though. Haven't quite figured out a good trick to keep them streak and splotch free yet. I've been using a bit of dish soap and rubbing it on the glasses and then washing it off with warm water.
We had our roof done about three weeks ago. Which entailed the entire roof being ripped off and a new one being put on, shingle by shingle. A few fun things happened with that:
1) When the roofers first got here and were setting things up, they pissed off some bees located at the top of our porch's roof and one of the roofers was stung. He yelped so loudly that we thought he had fallen off of the roof.
2) They reroofed the porch roof even though they weren't supposed to. (We opted against getting it done because it is a small amount of square footage and they wanted upwards of $600 for it. O_O )
3) They left without getting paid or even getting a deposit and didn't say one word. The contract was supposed to go like this:
Roofer: Hai guyz. We're here to do the roof. Gib deposit and we'll start.
Us: Here ya go! Get to work!
Roofer: K! ... ... ... We're done! Come let us walk you around the property to make sure it's to your liking!
Us: We like it! Good job! *cue FF victory music*
Roofer: Thx! Payment pls!
Us: *hands over $5,000, weeping softly*
Yeah... None of that happened. So yeah. It's been about 3-4 weeks and we haven't heard from them at all... So maybe free roof? Which would be amazing since we could use that money to basically finish work on the house! Could get the floors done, electric reworked, rooms painted, counters done... *drool* Here's hoping!
I've been watching a lot of the show Entourage lately. It's amazing. Very funny. It's sort of a guy's show I'd say but I've gotten Trillian into it. (Kinda hard not to get into it when I'm always hogging the TV and it's all I put on. ;D )
Work's been fun. It seems like it's slowing down a bit so we've been getting a lot of break time. I've been making a habit of getting a nap or two in at work every week. (Usually for about an hour). I even keep a sleeping bag in my car now. :D
Last week I got 6.5 hours total of leave-work-early-and-still-get-paid time. Which is nice. ^_^\\//
I've been playing Pokémon like a fiend this week as well. I've been trying to make a good battling team so I can finally take on my friend Eric. I spent about a day on each Pokémon (Breeding, raising, EV training). Problem is that now that I've finished my team, I've run out of things to do in the game. So I haven't played it in two days. Lol.
I'm contemplating making Trillian a team of cute pokémanz to battle me with. Lolz.
The baby's doing very well. He's been making these odd screeching noises (kind of like when you rub sneakers on a gym floor really fast). He's starting to roll over like a champ and he stands pretty well when you give him a bit of help up. Fun stuff.
And now your moment of anti-zen: