Bunnies, BUNNIES! It must be BUNNIES!!
Or maybe midgets.
Okay, to avoid lawsuits, I want to say that I have NOTHING against bunnies nor midgets. I just had the song in my head. And if you know what song that is --- 5 Jaime Points! :)
Want to know about the Zombie Chicken Experience? Read here.
So the other day Jason told me that a movie called "Poultrygeist" (seriously, look it up on IMDB) is filming in Buffalo this summer. We checked out the website and saw they were looking for Production Assistants. So I e-mailed my resume thinking, "What the hell? If it's only minimum wage, even, I would still be able to work in film --- shitty though it may be --- but that would be fun!" So they called me, said they wanted me. I went in to meet with the producer, who introduced himself as "Andy", and check things out. The local "studio office" was a part of an old church downtown with no AC, no ventilation, and it absolutely STANK of week old heat-baked garbage. There were shaved-head chick and other young hippie-types running around, rolled-up sleeping bags on the floor, and hand-written sign indicated where the "Art Department" was. There were all kinds of people milling about, and none of them -- not even the actors -- were getting paid. So, if I'd taken the job, I wouldn't have gotten paid. Now, I want to make this clear: I get that independent film is not glamorous (although, I should note that this film is being produced by Tomar, which is probably the most recognized cult-horror production companies around). But I never really pictured this. Still, it wasn't so bad, and were I independently wealthy, I would have had a ball on the set. But the fact is that they require 18+ hour days at no wage. That might be cool for film school kids living in the creepy church, shaving their heads and begging mommy for a booze stipend, but that ain't me. Right now, I'm relying on my freelance work, and I need time to find something better, and dedicating 18 hours a day over the next six weeks is something I can not do and still have an apartment, electric, etc. So I passed. I'm not 100% certain it was the right choice --- because, hell, it would mean working on a movie with a very well-known director --- but I think it was. I mean, it would have meant not starting an actual job until September. Now, that may not happen, anyway. But it would have also meant having NO time to not only look for one, but also NO time for doing the work I have to do until then to stay afloat. So as much as I would love to, I can't do that.
Anyway, so I was all excited for five seconds, then I stopped myself because I knew good things don't come like that. And good thing. Because I could have easily worked myself up for nothing at all. It's a great opportunity for those Film School, etc. kids who can swing it. But that's not where I am. And it's oh so important that I get that.
Aside from that, there is only the day-to-day life stuff. My upstairs neighbor, Jill, told me today that someone fucked with her car, putting lawn signs on it and surrounding it with cones. Seriously, can anyone imagine something more immature than that?? She said it happened after 3 a.m., because our neighbor was outside at 3 and didn't see anything. And she gets up around 5. That means some whacko actually took time out at like 4 a.m. to drive to N. Buffalo and do that. How lame! I mean, not that I wanted anything worse to happen, but how sad do you have to be to go out in the middle of the night and do that? And this is on the cusp of Sarah (who I think reads this, and if you do --- I feel so bad for you!!!) falling down the stairs and getting REALLY hurt. She told me about it, but didn't explain just how bad it was. Jill told me, and I feel so bad for her. Well, both of them!! First the fall, then the car shit?! Enough already!
Well, that's it from me for now. Later.