Sunday: The fresh air of a northern island.

Jul 01, 2005 19:47

Tomorrow I'm heading out on a long drive to Nova Scotia. I'll be speaking only in french for the next 5 weeks, and if I am caught speaking english for the third time I will receive my dernier avertissement. So, goodbye to all you who read my lj (yeah I know, this is going to be devastating for all of the sixty million people who read this.) Until ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

poppytoads August 1 2005, 19:49:29 UTC
Zach!!! I just got your (and Andy's) letter today! You wouldn't believe how happy it made me. I guess I should have known it would be arriving today because I had a dream that I saw you again, Zach! Crazy how the mind works. I think you're coming back really soon though. Man, I've got so much to tell you. I've missed you a lot. You'd better give me a call when you're back! I think I'm still going to have the downstairs apartment (I might even have it until September), so if you have the time you are most certainly coming over to crunk it up with me.

Missing you and Mr. Friend,


WEIRD! butnotforclaire August 11 2005, 03:40:20 UTC
hey! its claire. from sainte-anne. AND LEXINGTON! AAHH!!
it seems like so long ago, doesn't it? like before sainte-anne. i just finished looking at all of my pictures...sad...

anyways. so yeah. neat livejournal, and see you around because YOU LIVE NEAR ME.


Re: WEIRD! zakamus August 11 2005, 18:32:22 UTC
yes tis very weird indeed. and is that picture from soiree 50's? because if it is then thats really cool.


Re: WEIRD! butnotforclaire August 11 2005, 20:20:06 UTC
yes. yes it is.


kathryntgreat August 16 2005, 16:10:14 UTC
hop hop TANG
allo mon ami...
theatre, et classe, et les mots du jour comme enculer!
miss you man!


etherealdirge September 24 2005, 03:57:46 UTC
\m/Zach...dude, I might be able to get Shroud of Bereavement and some other bands into Lex for a show with Moonshine...kinda like last year...anyway, it's all maybes as of to you later dude.


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