Keep a record of all of these emails. Talking to them through eBay is the best way. If they don't give you what you paid for or a full refund then ile a claim with eBay and keep on them to get it. Sometimes people are just idiots.
Yea, I asked them to just send me one when it comes in, and added a line about how I was 'really looking forward to the statue', so hopefully they'll feel like shit for being so incompetent.
Um, really it's not that bad now that I'm re-reading it. It's way better than some of the emails I've gotten from people on eBay. I've got one that basically says, "You're not getting your items because I'm out of business (insert rant about being out of business) and you'll get a refund when I get to it". That was two months ago. No refund, not another peep from them. Grrr.
Definitely could be worse, but I'm still pissed that they not only were incompetent enough to cause this mistake, but also neglected to email me. I checked out their ratings, and it seems they've had a lot of trouble with this lately. About half of the reviews said they had similar problems.
Comments 6
No shit sherlock. Just give me what I fucking paid for.
Gotta love people.
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