St. John's doesn't have curbside recycling! I was not too suprised when I found out there was no composting, but no recycling? I though everyone had made the change.
This weekend in Ottawa is the "The Guy Show" and next weekend is "The Women's Show". I don't really want to talk about the themes, activites or products at either show, I want to talk about the names
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People who drive SUVs have to remember that if thier back window is high off the ground they can't rely on it to tell if there is a car behind them. What if there is a car that is a pretty average sized car such as a Saturn Ion Quad Coupe? Well the answer is you are going to back into them and up onto thier hood!
So last night using Opera finally payed off when Tim made a comment about a feature on the new macbook I got to say "I use Opera so I can already do that with a mouse gesture."