A/N: Waaaasup I'm mad dilatory here because I got caught up on the kink meme writing the clicheest romcom fluff you ever heard in your dang life, it's here:
In The Punch Line and also Christmas happened, but anyway VOILA I hope it's somewhat vaguely possibly semi-worth the wait.
After breakfast, lunch, and still no Charles. )
Comments 12
Love's the wrong word, Erik, he thought strictly but all the words are wrong. He makes them wrong. <-- And this line? My heart. *grabs at chest*
But I was reading it at the AO3, you see, and today decided to meander over to your lj to check if you had left any notes as to when the story might next be updated, and I happened upon this post, and. I just (over some hours, in about three sittings) read all 18-some-odd parts of your kinkmeme fill that you mentioned way up at the top of this post. Verily I laughed like a choking seal, and many times too, flailing my hands about like gleeful flippers.
I join many others in proclaiming that YOU ARE AMAZING OMG. I thank you for both the comedy gold and the epic angst. And of course the porn but it rather goes without saying by now, that you are the reigning monarch of XMFC porn. Anyway it is late and I empathize so much with babbling-Charles. Shut up, elaineofshalott.
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