A couple of weeks ago, I headed to Derbyshire for ConStellation, which was a gaming con / group holiday organised by leathellin. This coincidentally coincided with my 40th Birthday, which was a great excuse for a party.
Following my previous post, I did indeed make it to the British Museum, which I've not been to in ages. After I had wandered around for quite a while and seeing a tiny fraction of what is on display, leathellin joined me to look around the current Pompeii and Herculaneum exhibitionThough I'm familiar with the history of Pompeii, I was astonished by how well
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As I think I've mentioned before, I've played a fair bit of the interesting and wildly-different-to-everything-eelse Flash-based 2d MMO GlitchMy original reaction to this game was that it was an awesome piece of technology and an interesting piece of game design, but I couldn't see how it was sustainable
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I'll be finishing up at the Natural History Museum for their late night opening of the Animal Inside Out exhibition, hopefully meeting leathellin and possibly others there.