This is not easy for me to write and the light here is dim, Faelin sleeps and I hope not to wake her.
She was too fast, too fleet of foot for me to catch this day just passed. I ran hard and did not stop but I could not catch her.
I came close, I could see her and she watched me as the sun broke over us, lighting the plateau we had come to but signaling the end of the chase.
There are no words, Father, none that can describe how I felt at that moment. I don't think there ever will be. I had failed. It hurt. I am glad you are not here. Tomorrow I will speak with Mother and Roman and tell them what I now tell you.
One year and one day. It is not that long to wait and Faelin has said she will be here. She will count down the days with me and run again.
It will not be an easy year to see through but as I watch her sleep, I know I will do whatever I must to catch her.
I miss you. Tell Alexis I love her and that I am well.