TZC: Ichigo and Zangetsu C3, B side-Senbonzakura

Feb 04, 2008 21:17

Senbonzakura transitioned sharply from Zangetsu’s home to Byakuya’s inner world, going from the hard-edged starkness of the cityscape to the flowing softness of an endless forest of blooming sakura trees.  He walked to Byakuya’s favorite spot in what Senbonzakura had come to think of as the center and knelt beneath one of the trees to wait.  His return had been noted and he would wait on Byakuya’s convenience.  After a while, his shinigami appeared before him.


By Zangetsu’s word, Ichigo Kurosaki’s preferences have nothing to do with the house of Kuchiki.

Byakuya turned away and lowered his eyes to stare sightlessly at a point just above the ground.

I see.

Senbonzakura closed his eyes to block out the sight of his shinigami’s confusion.  When he opened them again, he was alone.

bleach, zanpakutou chronicles, fanfic

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