Fair warning, this post is only going to be of interest to tech people and/or people who like graphs.
The server I host has long been overtaxed with traffic. It's on a 10M/half ethernet connection, and for a while, at peak hours it would hit maximum, and then more recently, it was at max for 8 hours a day. I originally thought this would be fixed by splitting sites onto 2 different machines, but after a while it just jumped back up again.
My solution ultimately was to set up some load balancing. I basically have the dns set to resolve to 3 different IPs and then use a rsync script on one server to replicate the site out to the other 2 servers hourly.
Anyway, I thought that the graphs were pretty interesting, in each you'll see 3 graphs, they are in order they were turned up. so here they are:
Graphs per day:
Graphs per week: