Does anyone know a good way to temporarily dye one's hair purple?
I tried grape Kool-Aid, but that only succeeded in turning my hair green. Cool and all, but not quite the look I was going for.
Any suggestions or recommendations?
A couple of weeks ago I was wondering how my daughters view me as parent. I worry sometimes that maybe I yell too much or I'm not as understanding about some things as I should be. I know full well I'm not perfect, and there are certainly things I wish I could have changed about how my mother raised me.
So, in my infinite wisdom (lol) I asked my girls, ages 8 and 5, what kind of mother they think I am. Sedona said she thinks I am a pretty mom. *blush* Roya, the younger one, said I am a nice and polite mom. *gushing with pride*
I thanked them, naturally, for the compliments, and then asked if they could change one thing about me, what would it be?
Roya looked at me with complete seriousness and said "I think you should dye your hair purple."
Well obviously I can't let such cuteness/sweetness go unnoticed, and I've been trying to find a way to do this for her as a surprise (without any lengthy time commitment).
I've tried the spiky gel stuff, and really like the color, but I don't really dig crunchy hair (for myself, anyway).
Any thoughts?