Tweets for Today

Feb 10, 2009 05:03

The following are my tweets for today, read or don't at your discretion, I won't be insulted if you don't, have fun if you do.

  • 12:17 That was awesome. I just shocked myself by pulling a plug out of a wall socket while working on a computer, therefore grounding myself. #
  • 12:25 @ bkdelong Yes, I am very awake, though. And my arm feels kinda tingly. #
  • 13:42 So whether or not it's because of the electric shock, my back is killing me. And I seem to have lost the adrenaline rush too. #
  • 15:11 Aaaaaaand I've just been transferred for the 4th time and for some reason it threw me back to the automatic operator *smashes phone* #
  • 15:13 And then the automatic operator hung up on me *fiery-hate-eye-beams* #
  • 15:17 @ witticaster I thought we had some under the oven #
  • 15:55 ended up hanging up on them, haven't heard back, even though they "would call back if we got disconnected" paid over the phone. I hate them. #
  • 16:40 Okay Twitterverse... should I go home at 5, or stay until 6, make some more money and work on my CS project due tomorrow. #
  • 16:49 @ pezzonovante Machine Learning/AI programming assignment. #
  • 17:09 Okay... compromise. I'm staying until 5.30 #
  • 18:04 Finally at home. I vacuumed and recieved a snuggee from Phoebe's parents.... it's been a weird day. #
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