When last we left our intrepid heroes... There was drama when a kinfolk got murdered by what was either a Nagah (an extinct changing breed) or a devious vampire plot to incite chaos (likely what happened). Jack wasn't happy about this.
But meanwhile, he had to go off and cleanse Lake Mead, which was infested with lots of wyrm things. After this and telling this tale, Jack was given the new deed name "Cleanses the Waters." It's cool. I like it. Less of a mouthful than the old deed name.
Oh, almost forgot about the conversation with Jack's son. That was a mixture of awkward and heartwarming, showing off exactly how much Jack doesn't know how to be a father. He's a halfway decent Den Parent, but father? Yeah, that's not so much working. Hopefully David won't get himself killed before he has his first change.
Then there was the awesomely guilt-ridden (on both sides for different things) conversation with Reniah the Bastet. Jack not only listened to Reniah's tale of the Bastet version of the mythology (First of all, I don't remember Gaia being a cat. Also, the Weaver's female... and not a cat.) which he promptly memorized. Then he had to not only tell the (shortened) Garou version of that story, but then explain about the War of Rage. That was fun.
So yeah, I think I maybe made her feel a little better, but it wasn't long before we all got summons for work duty again. This time there was also this random tattooed dude. Which was weird. He didn't seem like much. And apparently he doesn't remember anything since a few years before the apocalypse, which is... weird.
We all got our stuff prepped and got into a humvee to go off to a Mormon enclave in the desert to find out about the ghouls. Since it was daytime, Jack puts the vampire in a bag and throws her in the trunk. We start off on the road and the tattoed guy explains that he's "what people call a willworker." I (out of character) decide that this is a good point for Jack to have one of his flashbacks that he has a flaw for.
So in the back of the car, Jack shifts to chrinos and attacks the mage. The Ananasi and the Bastet manage to just keep the car from flipping, while the mage ducks and rolls out of the car. Jack attempts to follow through his door (which in his head is not a car door) while the demon orders him to shift to homid. So, while Jack is tumbling to the ground he shifts to homid and crumples into a ball, unconscious (taking I think 7 levels of bashing).
A few minutes later, Jack woke up with no knowledge of what happened. The first thing he saw was the Ananasi (which Jack still doesn't know what she is) holding his tribal fetish hammer. Before anything else, he held out his hand and said "Give that back." God, I love my characters.