Yes, seriously.
Just as a note of interest, that is supposed to be me on the barely discernible keyboard in the back, just under the word 'near', because I was raised pretty asian and learned to play the piano.
also I wasn't sure who told a band what to do. Clearly it had to be a man directing an all-female band. Good job setting the feminist movement back by a century, eight year old me.
For future reference, T.Q. was sort of not really based on my best friend at the time.
Uhhh apparently they're not just a band, they're also a theatre troupe? Also, that's not a crossdressing woman playing the prince (decked in solid gold, classy) down there in the right, that's just the director. I don't think I ever gave him a name.
The only reason I knew the word "skein" at that age was because I read lots and lots of fairytales.
Also, I would be highly alarmed at a fan running towards me with a pencil as tall as she is.
I meant to show that letters were literally flying out of the box after it opened. There's also a girl in the lower right, being slowly suffocated under the mountain of paper love.
Dude, you guys are in a band (and theatre troupe), do you not get that this is what you do?
Uh wait I guess they're fashion models now. Here we see the director being a dick, gigantic dresses that are taller than any of them, and slight eraser marks around the word "fashion". I remember asking my mom how it was spelled, and it turned out she was wrong.
Honestly I did this whenever I lost inspiration for the story, which happened pretty often, it seems.
Also, I'm the tall one in the back with the blue.
Dear god, I would NOT want to be in an audience where men are literally flinging their girlfriends into the air to try to clasp hands.
None of the other girls besides T.Q. and myself had uh, lives. I just randomly made them do things. I didn't care much about any other character besides myself.
Aha! The first indication of when this was written is in the lower right hand corner. That is totally supposed to be a hedgehog. I never played a Sonic game, ever, but I liked the comics when I was little, so this would be aboouutt third grade? 1992? 93? Something like that.
He's angry and frowning because that's how you express that you're way past cool. *cringe*
Yeah right, I totally cared.
Also lol an eight year old's idea of relationship drama.
I'm more concerned with what's happening to Jane's leg there.
I think I was trying to draw the dog sitting down, but instead he just looks vaguely like a palm tree taking a poop.
I was terribly afraid of writing any insult stronger than "old pumpkin", because I was worried my mom would find the notebook, read me writing stuff like "YOU DAMN SHIT" and wallop me.
Wow, everyone is a bitch and also progressively getting smaller and smaller.
The cutest kitten with udders and no legs.
Hey look, I was like eight. An ink-written letter was apparently a really big deal to me back then.
Also, that quote she says is actually straight from Harriet the Spy. I -adored- that book as a child. ... That probably explains a lot about me, actually.
I didn't know what the quote meant, I just liked it, and I thought it was the sort of thing you said when you broke away from old friends, as Harriet did when she said it.
Uh that suitcase cannot possibly be THAT small if all that is going in there.
Exactly five tears, guys. That is important.
Man you didn't even tell your family? And you're leaving the band just because no one liked the pets you got them? At least take them back to the pet shop, or a shelter!
Struck with sorrowness. I love it.
They are so struck with sorrowness that they are literally crawling on other people's heads to read the letter.
Megan was a girl in my class that I didn't like very much. I don't think I did this coincidentally.
Man even that kitten is sweating.
I don't know where this rivalry between Ariel and T.Q. came from. I guess Ariel owed her that twenty dollars for like ten years or something.
Also, I am obviously the most important character in this.
Holy crap, if you're crying because you miss a friend that badly, give them a damn call or something.
Again with the crying.
And I like how I spoiled my own story by just giving away that the evil plan worked.
In case you're not sure what the frightening, smiling, blobby thing in the middle is, that's supposed to be a dresser.
DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD actually I was just running out of space in the notebook.
... I would totally go see this show.
clearly the most important character, guys
Good grief it's not even as if Megan did anything WRONG
I was also something of a violent child, at least in my own fantasies.
Yeah, see? Hardly a case of stolen identity.
Also, why would she be welcome after they just led a MOB after her?
Bitch is crazy.
Also, note the art has improved! People have whites to their eyes, fingers, and toes! And sort of noses!
Still the most important character, guys.
Aw, should've put it in Wordpad and backed it up on an external, derpface.
Man, she must've been SLATHERING that stuff on everywhere.
Still the most important character.
Uhhhh I don't think I actually wrote any of those lololol