Six Hundred and Sixty Six. You’ve seen it before, you’ve heard it before, hell, maybe you are a trendy whore and you’ve used it before whether it be writing it somewhere or slapping it on your screen name because you think it makes you hardcore. But the real question is, do you really have any clue as to what it means and stands for? Probably not.
Where did the number come from? Who started it? While there is no solid answer as to what it really means, there is information that provides a general understanding of the number. It appears in the Bible, specifically in Revelations. Here is the excerpt:
Rev 13:16-18 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Let’s start with the numbers six and seven. In the Qabalah, the number meaning perfection is seven. The number of God, in his superlative perfection, was 777. It just so happens that six is the number of imperfection, error, insufficience, etc. Six was the number that stood for everything that tried to resemble perfection, but in a corrupted and incomplete way. So where does Satan come in with all this? Satan at one time was an angel. He and other rebel angels attacked God in an attempt to take over Heaven, but failed because of their imperfection. Eventually he ends up in the Cocytus, the ninth level of Hell, the furthest place from warmth and light. Since six means imperfection, the superlative form 666 would mean something far more than human which was trying to mock God but failed to do so.
So what have we concluded? 666 is the highest possible degree of imperfection and error. It doesn’t make you Satanic or hardcore by putting it in your username or writing it on your arm. It just means you try to be perfect but fail miserably.
Another interesting take on the meaning of the number...
If you want to believe that 666 was to stand for an antichrist, I’d like to bring up Nero Caesar of the Roman Empire. Remember that in Latin it was NERON, and not like in English spelling NERO. Secondly, his title was not pronounced as it is pronounced in today's English, Caesar, but differently. Caesar was "KEYSAR". The spelling of Caesar at the time was “KEYSAR” and can be confirmed in the Dead Sea scrolls. Also, Hebrew doesn't have letter "O", but uses letter "V" instead. Plus, Hebrew script doesn't put vocals in the words. One supplies them as he/she reads. So we have NRVN KSR. Now in Hebrew caligraphs each letter also had a numeric value. With that in mind, let’s add up the numeric values of the letters of his name.
Nun = 50
Resh = 200
Vav = 6
Nun = 50
50 + 200 + 6 + 50 = 306
Kof = 100
Samekh = 60
Resh = 200
100 + 60 + 200 = 360
306 + 360 = 666
Caesar was a vigorous persecutor of xians and was hated for it. The number 666 could have been used to encode Caesar’s name so that the author of the Book of Revelation could openly criticize him without fear of blatantly naming him.