Title: Valentine's Day
Pairing: Jongkey
Rating: PG-15 (suggestive material)
Disclaimer: No, I don't own then T_T
A/N: Waaaah, I made this really quickly, please tell me if you like it!! :DD <3
February 14th 06.57 AM
Kibum is about to leave, but he's not really happy to. Because today is Valentine's day, and he'd much rather stay home, and spend some time
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Comments 12
Jonghyun i so... *can't describe woth words*
._. why KiBum is so diva(?)
But I waas dying when I read "Chicken~" and then Onew was gotup... xD
Thancks for the shot!
I really had a lot of fun writing this :p
Thanks for reading and commenting~ ^^
I was smiling and aw-ing like an idiot all throughout this!
This was so cute and Jjong totally forgetting it's valentines..typical Jonghyun..
I love the notes and yes.
Its true.
The other members would definitely not be sleeping quietly tonight because for one 2min and JongKey screaming all night?!
I feel bad for Omew but...he might be having a romantic, candle light dinner with a bucket of chicken neh?
Yaaay, I'm really glad you liked it bb!
I thought, that it would be typical Jjong to forget, so that was how I got the idea for the fic xD
And good you liked the notes!! :D
I feel really bad for Onew actually. 2min have each other as well, but Onew will be all alone, probably sleeping on the couch , lol xD
Forgetful Jjong is always soo cute. Esp. how he gets frusterated...I wonder what he did for Valentines day for real though...:l
Onew..sleeping on the couch?!
Dont worry! Chicken will accompany you!
Lol xDDD
And, as much as I hate to admit it, he probably got Sekyung something -.- *sigh*
But then again, I'm totally in denial, and I want to believe he spent it with Key, lol xD
Haha, yes Onew has his chicken <3
Thanks for this
It's the perfect present on V'day right? :p Keke~
Thanks for reading !
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