holy shit demon hunter is in a few days. omg im so excited i cant stand it. this is so big but i dunno isukhfigdsfhikdugjhfkdhf . love this shit thank you dragonball z gods
Sooo...it's now a countdown til Candlemass. Less than a month :: insert ominous background music here ::
I'm thinking about what new peircing I'm getting for it i kinda want a corset somewhere... any one who reads this feel free to give some suggestions my mind is open like a 7-11. meh over and out.
Good lord god i've been working a lot. I'm at my house drinking in the dark with Frank but I have a much more important post coming up probably tomorrow. Wait for it... wait for it....
So, today at 9:30 I start my new job at Chris Angel (x.X) and Cirque De Soili (sp?) Believe at the Luxor. It's a pretty sweet job. Not that I'm a huge fan of Chris Angel...to say the least but at least it's an income.