Title: Just another fairy tale
Pairing: Ohmiya, hinted Sakuraiba
Summary: A slightly different version of the classic Cinderella's story.
Rating: PG, for shameless groping.
Disclaimer: I do not own Arashi, but let me check again... only to be sure XD.
Genre: Fluffy, comedy.
1 - Self-beta-ed and reedited (using two colors trying and possibly failing
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Comments 28
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the concept is a brilliant concept, this must not have been easy in a non native language and the storyline and premise is wonderful. ^__^
This is a wonderful and a gargantuan effort - I can safely say this because I am pathetic and only write short pieces! >,<
A great story ... I will read the rest when I get the time again but I am chasing around after a horde of six at the moment for four weeks so if I live I will read the rest of it ... and I hope I did not cross the boundaries of a humble reviewer with my lengthy ramble! Apologies.
Sorry, but your comment seems to be incomplete (it begins with "on the other hand..."), am I wrong?
Take your time and good luck with your horde of six ^__~ I'll be waiting for your final review then.
By the way I really loved your Antarctica fic... those Ohmiya penguins are the cutest thing I've ever read ^^
Firstly, thanks a lot for taking the time to point some of the mistakes I've made ^^ I've mended them already though I've chosen "spoiled" over "bad habit" because it sounded better to my ears... I hope not to be wrong!
And secondly, thanks again for expressing your opinion! If I use this style again I'll try to make it easier to read ... or at least shorter, for my own good XD.
Thanks for your comments!
The glass shoes part made me laugh hard =D
I've been grinning the entire piece, but I literally spat out my coffee, laughing and cackling with glee, when I read about the talking shoe!
Seriously, that was brilliant! VERY DANGER! *still laughing*
I wanted to quote something from it, but I realized I'd probably end up quoting the entire piece!
But two things that I really need to comment on - Aiba. Aiba as the Fairy Godmother with his "101 tales for children: symptoms and prescriptions" is a pure stroke of genius and the most brilliant line Ive read in ages; Oh! This was before we received complains about the stress the animals suffer when they are transformed into another animals... for not to speak about the pumpkin's stress... Now we just pay the taxi's fare."
LOL! *laughing again*
The other thing? Oh, dear Sho, trying to lecture Ohno. I feel that'd be a lost cause! *snickering*
Oh, Nino, you got your fair share of groping this time, didn't you? :D
Thank you SO much, it means the world to me to have ( ... )
Did you enjoyed it? My english is kinda messy, isn't it? I hope to get better in my next fics... or at least to write shorter ones, this was a pain XD
Yeah, Aiba's book should be a must for all the fairy godmothers of the world ^^ And we can't forget the stress of the poor pumpkin... vegetables have rights too! XD
I didn't want the stepbrothers to be evil or to treat Ohno badly... better if they were a bit on the jealous side and a bit hen-mother like, right? And yes, Nino can't possibly complain with his groping share in this fic XD.
Thanks for your comment!
By the way, I love your doll's fics! Your Ohmiya is really cute!
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