Title: Knight Rider's big secret
Pairing: None... well Ohmiya if you want it that way.
Summary: The best kept secrets of Knight Rider are disclosed at last!!. Shhhh! Don't tell anybody or we'll have to send the KAZU model to deal with you.
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I do not own Arashi, but let me check again... only to be sure. Ah! And I don't own KITT
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Comments 37
Please continue writing crossovers like these!! They're completely fun to read!
*both of them going to memories-list*
This was really funny to write too ^^. To be true, at first I was going to include an epilogue that would relate what happened with these failed prototypes after they were dropped out of the project, but I finally decided not to write it (I kinda ran out of ideas for MASA and TSHO)... maybe someday I will write it as a little drable XD.
Thanks a lot for your comment!
I've got a soft point for Ohmiya (it's obvious, isn't it? ;P), so I always include a bit of them in every fic.
I'm glad you liked it!
I think the idea of putting Arashi members' personality into an analogy like cars or viruses is brilliant!
Could you please do more things like this... onegai...
It's such fun to read and imagining it ^_^
Oh, and I love all the Ohmiya things.. :D
I've written a short drabble of Arashi as hamsters too, but apart of it, this is all... at least for now ^__~
Thanks for your comment!
which one is that? Was is on the link you gave me previously???? If not, could you please provide me with the link. Please....... m(_ _)m
*Gosh, I think I'm addicted to this analogy things*
You can find it in the second link I gave you. Or here (just skip the other drabbles XD)
This was the first fic in which I wrote them as other thing that humans (and my second fic, by the way). After that, I couldn't stop myself anymore (viruses, hamsters... I don't know what will be next XD)
I'm really glad you enjoyed it!!
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