- Narrator: Prince Nino has been searching for the man for a few days now, but till the moment he hasn't had any luck... And even if seeing the terrified faces of the people who has put the shoe on makes his little prankster heart happy, it doesn't help him to find his mysterious but adorable dancing companion in anyway...
The curtain opens to show the garden of a house's entry. The Prince, followed by a servant who carries the shoe on a red velvet cushion, waits in front of the door.
- Nino: At the beginning I thought this would be easier. I truly believed it would be enough to visit 6 or 8 houses, 10 in the worst case scenario, to succeed... but after visiting more than 300 houses, the only thing I know for sure is that the person who made the shoe doesn't know too much english... but he puts a lot of effort that's clear... That and the fact that the majority of my subjects show important deficiencies in their backsides.
The Prince sighs gloomily and looks at the door.
- Nino: All right, this is the next house of the list. Who lives here?
- Servant: A merchant with two sons around your age, your Highness. Some years ago he re-married a widow with a former son from her last marriage. They live all together in this house since then.
- Nino: Well, here we go.
The Prince rings the doorbell. Some seconds later, a servant opens the door and seems really astonished to see him there. The servant leads them to a living room where Jun, Sho, his father and Ohno's mother are chatting. The servant announces the Prince and everybody gets up to greet him. Nino and his servant explain briefly the motive for their visit. The servant heads toward the nearest of the merchant's sons. Sho in this case.
- Servant: Would you be so kind to sit down on the chair and put the shoe on, Sir?
Meanwhile, the Prince mumbles to himself.
- Nino: It has no use. They are both too tall to be him... and one of them almost has no butt... Um... Didn't he say that there was another son?
Sho is trying the shoe at that moment.
Everybody (minus the Prince and his servant) looks surprised at the shoe. Nino turns to Ohno's mother to ask her.
- Nino: Excuse me for interrupting but, didn't you have another son? Where is him?
Ohno's mother keeps looking astonished at the shoe. Sho has taken it in his hands and looks at it very interested. She replies distractedly to the Prince.
- Ohno's mother: Right now, he must be in his room playing with his paintings and figurines. My son is a little dazed and a bit clumsy, but a good boy when he manages to keep his attention focused. May I ask a servant to bring him here?
Nino looks interested at Ohno's mother and mumbles to himself.
- Nino: A little dazed... that sounds promising...
The Prince shakes negatively his head.
- Nino: No thanks, I prefer going myself. Could you tell me how can I find your son's room?
Everybody gazes stupefied at the Prince now.
- Ohno's mother: It's at the end of the stairs, you can't miss it. In fact it's the attic of the house. That room has the best illumination and he doesn't disturb anyone there. That's the reason he made it his room.
- Nino: Thank you very much, my lady!
The Prince goes towards the stairs when his servant stops him midway.
- Servant: Your Highness, wouldn't you want to take the shoe with you?
- Nino: It won't be necessary, thanks.
The Prince leaves the scenery. Everybody looks confused to each other and then follows him. The curtain closes.
To the next chapter