I was trying to create a neighborhood family tree today to help with identifying semi-distant relatives, but am at a loss. With almost 100 residents at the cusp of Gen 4, and townies that have been moving their households around in order to procreate, everything has become one globby mess. My goal is to marry in every single family line so that eventually you can get from any one sim to another just going through their family tree.
Evidence of the reason for my problem. Can you say "baby boom"? Almost every adult in my 'hood has four children and some have been creative and have as many as seven. This will eventually slow down. The bed count tops off at 210.
For some reason, I've had an awful problem with childhood midgetism. About half of the kids are TS3 midgets, a bug that hits both plain and modded games. These sims are actually children and go to elementary school. They have a child's stature. However, their body mesh and clothing is that of a teen. Thanks to Awesomemod, I'm able to fix them using the unsupported "editsim" cheat. It gets tiresome, though.
The influx of children has been so bad that I had to add a dedicated high school over by the beach. It comes complete with a crazy old vagrant who yells at passersby. And rocks. Anything, really.
Relationships are a bit crazy, too. From the left, we have Jeremey Vines, Victor Alexander, and Jo Alexander. Jo is Victor's adopted sister. Jeremey is Jo's adoptive half-uncle.
The koi pond continues to be where it's at. This is probably as empty as it gets.
"Oh my gawd, Becky. There are totally koi here."
Can you say "Spore plug"?
I may be burnt out on building after filling an entire neighborhood, but I'm still able to handle decorating. Grady, the adult here, was first born of my starter sim. He had the big tombraiding want and, when he was done with his adventuring, had enough to set himself off quite well. He even contributed a bit to his brother Jack's start.
This is Jack's family. His wife, Camilla, used to be his next door neighbor when they were growing up. Her sister married his nephew's wife's cousin. Their children are a bit of a mess. They first had Victor right after they were married. They then tried for days for a second child, finally getting their youngest, Jennifer. After Jennifer, they tried and tried and finally gave up. They adopted Jo. Jo was a child at the time, and though she was their last addition, she is also the eldest.
Oh look, an animation bug. I believe this is the new backwards-massage bug (from TS2).
Speaking of bugs, this is Patrice Hilliard-Carter. Patrice was quite the annoying sim, constantly suffering from route failure in spots where no other sim ever had issues. Route failure slows down the game. After three or four times, I finally had had it and gave her an early date with Grimmy. What does she do once a ghost? ROUTE FAILURE. Luckily, this is the non-lagging I-can't-get-to-this-object type, not the laggy I-can't-leave-this-place version.
A pretty to end things on. This is Alexandra Alexander. Yes, that's her name. She was originally Alexandra Haney. My founder sim was Sydnee Alexander and until the third generation, all Alexander spawn were male.