Ameba Tutorial

Jan 27, 2009 16:57

Friending, Peta-ing, and commenting in posts and guestbooks.

Adding someone as a friend on Ameba
Go to the person's profile and click link I've circled below.

Not everyone will allow themselves to be friended. This is true with Shou, Tora, and Saga. ROTFL!

If you are allowed to friend them, the screen below will appear and you can continue from there.

Enter a short message in the first box, the numbers from the image in the second box, and then press the big green button at the bottom.

Afterwards, you will see the following confirmation screen:

You will also receive a confirmation in your email inbox and your Ameba inbox.

To peta someone...
A peta (represented by little footprints) is different from friending someone. As I say, "It just shows that you've visited the blog and approve of what they're doing." XD 
It's like etching your name on picnic table at the park, kinda. Anyway...

You just go to that person's main blog page and click the link I've circled.

This is will take you to their profile page. Once you are there, click the button I've circled below.

That link (note the orange footprints) will take you to what I've dubbed "The Peta Page".

The appearance of The Peta Page can change from minute to minute. There are different characters and animals that appear on it. Dinosaurs, Unicorns, Dragons, etc... Just click on the banner.

The character will generally fly (or walk) away, the graphic will change, and your name will appear at the top of the updated list. [The list is names of people who have peta'd that person.]

If you refresh the page, the banner will turn grey (see below), indicating that you can't peta that person again today. Try again tomorrow if you want to peta them more than once.

Commenting in a guestbook
Click on the link I've circled to go to the person's profile.

Scroll down their profile page until you see a box similar to this one:

Click the text that corresponds to "Add Guestbook Comment". It will take you to this page:

Enter your comment, the security numbers, and press the button towards the bottom of the page.

The page will update and it will look like this:

Note that the new comment has been added to the bottom of the updated page.

And, if you go back to their main profile page, you will see that your comment has been added there as well:

Commenting on a post
When you're browsing through someone's blog posts and you find one you want to comment on, click the circled link below.

That will take you to that post's page where you will click the button circled below.

The follow pop-up will appear; enter the information in the appropriate fields and click the "post" button.

The pop-up will change to display an advertisement and you can just close the window after that happens.

Returning to the post's page, you will see that your comment has been posted. [If it hasn't been posted, wait a few minutes before trying again.]

Hope it helped! (^_~)


~ tutorial

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