Was much more restrained this month :)
Not so say I didn't spend all my dj/manga allowance.
Check this out! Doujinshi Merchandise! I didn't know they did this. I count this as my all time lucky find in the whole of this year. An Initial D Takumi x Ryouske Mug by Megamouse, my all time fav Initial D Dj circle. And it's PINK!! That just adds to the
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Comments 11
Mmmm I really, really look forward to Capsule and the other Harumaki Tokiko stories. You've really got me hooked on Sakamoto & Takasugi...
And I love those Spectrum covers for their bright bright colours. They'd make awesome desktops (hint hint). As would most of your doujinshi collection, as I think I've intimated once or twice... ;D
No, I looked at their picture again and it's just as pink as mine :)
I think it would take a bit of photoshop work to make those Spectrum covers desktopable. Not just because most of them have images that wrap around the spine. But the covers are a little warped which causes scanning shadows. Not that you couldn't fill the background in with solid colour, but it'd take time!
Yes, you keep hinting at that sort of thing and god damn it I keep forgetting.
Perhaps you should make a list and try sending it to me at random intervals ;)
I must have looked at my flist right after you posted - I haven't actually been at my desk much today...
By the way, you have me on the edge of my seat waiting for Survival 3...what a tease...telling us your working on it and keeping us waiting that long. Meanie!
On a happier note, I love it when you get new Initial D DJ (especially RYOUTAKU) it means I have more to look forward to. :D
Well Survival 3, got out of my control. Sorry to tease everyone like that. The thing is cos I'm busy I accepted an offer from someone to scan their copy. I translated from mine while I waited and then they told me last week they couldn't deliver because their computer broke. So I scanned mine yesterday.
I thought it would have been out a couple of weeks ago. I feel bad for you all.
So next week, without FAIL!
I've got that Sakomoto bday book as well, it's very Sakomoto-ish indeed!XD Gotta put Before the dawn on my list...
The thing about Sakamoto is he talks a lot. Damn him! Makes my job hard!
But Sakamoto why do i want to call him Sakomoto every time today?! wouldn't be himself if he didn't talk so much but i ceretainly feel your pain!*patpats*
Better a great tease than badly done all out smut any day.
If I wasn't already me I would totally envy myself too!
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