Title: Never Give Up
'verse: G1
Rating: T/PG-13
Length: 50k, 12 chapters
Characters: Jazz, Prowl, ensemble
Warnings: angst, cybertronian profanity, mild Prowl/Jazz, violence
Thank you all for reading so far, and for coming with me on this ride. It's almost a shock to get to the end. And special thanks to all those who have reviewed! I hope you've
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Comments 4
Jazz seems to be working pretty hard to put everyone at ease, despite having to recover himself. Bluestreak's reaction, in particular, was hilarious! I think Jazz is right about him needing to lay off the Star Trek reruns. I love how Optimus' main concern was for his friend's happiness, since he had absolutely no choice in forming that bond. He has such a caring spark.
I miss this story already! I might have to go back and reread it, now.
Blue - oh, Blue! - made me laugh too, but you can understand his bewilderment. And yes, Jazz has some healing to do, and so does everyone else, but they're well on their way... with the prospect of a brighter future. Thanks again for reading and reviewing!
Of all situations for a traumatized, just-woke-up Jazz, trapped by the love and concern and freaking out/rejoicing of all of his friends! Of course he wants to be there, but poor guy just really needs a break to figure out which way is up again (and Prowl, too!) And Bluestreak, oh golly, somebody sit on him, and then hug him XD And despite the fact that he's really still cracking apart at the seams, Jazz handles it all brilliantly - thank goodness for Ratchet, though <3
Prowl's little bits of humor are a delight, and learning to take a bit of down time, well how 'bout that? And Prime noting how much their relationship really...hasn't changed all that much, actually - if they hadn't fit together so well already, Prowl wouldn't have been able to save Jazz in the first place.
Loved Prime and Jazz's little talk - both of them facing the hard truths with honesty, caring so deeply <3 ( ... )
I quite agree about Blue, by the way! I'd swear the mech wrote those words himself :)
But then Jazz had to face the truth - both of his Prime's fears and his new situation with Prowl. Fortunately he has the aplomb to deal with both - and the prospect of a brighter future ahead of them all.
Thanks again for commenting - it really puts a smile on my face... until next time :)
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