Day 28: In which I spend several hours failing to find anyone to take my money....
I started today's donation with the intention to donate to a national-scope UK charity running emergency shelters for victims of domestic abuse. I didn't have a specific organisation in mind but I assumed it wouldn't be very hard to find one as the cause is a well-
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Comments 6
I was quite glad to see that many websites had a cover statement on page one about how DV affects across race, gender, and sexuality, but I found a strong lack of reference to women as potential abusers overall (I realise that in the narrow traditional model above that is because they account for a tiny proportion of cases, often of the 'I was hit for 20 years until one day I stabbed him' type, but it still seems to leave quite a few gaps for me).
You could phone the mens advice line or the Family Crisis Centre and ask if they know a good way of donating. If you did that and let the rest of us know I'd match your donation ;-)
"Montgomeryshire Family Crisis Centre
Unit 2
St Giles Business Park
SY16 3AJ
You can make the cheque payable to Montgomeryshire Family Crisis Centre
Alternatively our bank details are: CAF Gold Account, Account Number: 00094053, Sort code: 40-52-40"
Email address is: - they asked that you send them your name and address as well so that they can send a thank you note. They also accept clothes, goods, furniture on review.
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