Day 34: Age UK
Website: Apparently (since April 2009) Age Concern and Help the Aged have joined together to form Age UK. "The Age UK Group works to improve later life for everyone by providing life-enhancing services and vital support".
They believe that a world in which older people flourish is a world in which older people will:
• be equal citizens with equal rights
• have enough money for a secure and decent life, and have access as consumers to the products and services they need at a price they can afford
• have access to the healthcare and social care they need
• have the opportunity to live healthier longer lives and to enjoy a sense of well-being
• live in homes and neighbourhoods that are safe and comfortable and which enable them to lead fulfilling lives
• have opportunities to participate and contribute as volunteers, active citizens, good neighbours, family members, and workers
• enjoy the benefits of longer life, wherever they are in the world.
The charity attempts to promote this view by providing information resources and an advice helpline for issues related to aging, by campaigning as an elderly person's lobby on relevant issues, by assembling age-specific commercial products for sale (insurance, physical aids, etc) and training providers of services to people in later life. Age UK claims to also be the only UK charity to focus research funds exclusively on later life, saying that " we've already seen significant breakthroughs in dementia, falls prevention, stroke and incontinence, to name a few.".;
Donation Page: Today my 5 pounds has gone not to the general work of the charity as would be the default but to one of their current health research campaigns "The Disconnected Mind", because I thought it looked particularly interesting (being as I am generally interested by biological anthropology projects and how minds work/fail).