I don't fucking feel like typing it all out again...

Mar 04, 2006 08:10

this is what I posted on the fan club message bored...

I had bought tix through the fan club and the www.capitaltickets.ca. First of I've not had the best experiences with capitaltickets. Sure its nice to have a ticket destributer that isn't ticketmaster, but whats the point if a) they have the same, if not more, servis charges, and b) they don't have the abilitly to handle the amount of trafic they get from really big shows.
I got an email say that they were going to AUTOMATICLY REFUND tickets bought on credit or debit cards. so I phoned to tell them I should NIN reschedual, I didn't want a refund, but to keep my tix for the show (no matter how distent) But the gentleman told me that infact there will be no reschedualed show at the corel(scotiabank) center, as they were unable to find a replacement date that fit bouth venue and band schedual.
SO... this makes me think that either they will reschedual and a smaller venue (probably good for us spiral members) or not at all. I wouldn't mind the smaller venue, but what about all those poor souls who bought thier tix through capital?... they would have to line up again and play the ticket-buying-lottery game all over again! and the chances are slimmer when the venue is smaller...
though we here might be asured that we get to see NIN in a new venue, I'm really worried that those with regulare tickets might loose any priority they might have in a reschedualed date, and some of them are as much nin fans as us and aren't part of the club only for lack of funds...


Its optamistic thoughts for Cin and I, but I'm realy pissed for Nita, Jodie, Jill, and all the friends their going with...
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