First of all I'm sure everyone's seen the RotS trailer already, and if you're reaction was anything like mine it went a little something like this:
"Holy crap, it's Alec Guinness! And there's whiney ol' Anakin with wacky Sith eyeballs. And the droids. And a Sabre weilding Yoda! And AN ARMY OF WOOKIES!" my brain pretty much exploded at that point. I mean yeah, we see the battle over Coruscant, Vader rising up on a slab, a quick glimpse of Palpatine, yadda yadda yadda. But come on, an army of freaking Wookies! It just doesn't get any cooler than that. So come next May my butt will firmly be parked in the theatre despite still wincing whenever anyone mentions TPM (aka Enter the Jar Jar) although AotC had it's moments (namely the arena scene, Yoda wiping the floor with Count Dooku and, of course, Obi wan's buddy the big fat diner guy). To tide everyone over until then, check this
parody. out