Comics! Hoo-rah.
Bought a ton of back issues the other day (well... a ton for me) from my new local comic book store.
Firstly, the Sabretooth and Mystique LS.
Which I, unsurprisingly, loved. I mean, come on, it has Sabretooth and Mystique being snarky, it has Mystique reminiscing about Destiny, and it has Destiny killing her captor all by her lonesome with a careful shove into a pit of fatal chemicals.
And dammit, Destiny is *so* the bomb. Why does it seem like I'm her only fan sometimes? *whine*
Next, a couple issues of the Xcalibre miniseries, from AoA.
Which was written by Warren Ellis, which is kind of... surprising. I mean, it was really good, but it doesn't seem quite as outlandish or distinctive as most of his stuff. Maybe he wrote it earlier in his career.
Anyway. Loved this, too. AoA Kurt and Mystique are *so* flippin' sexy and cool. I love how they actually behave like a mother and son in this, and how dastardly and ruthless Kurt is. Using his teleportation powers to rip a man's head off. Man, that's *cool.*
Loved this little exchange: "You better have *central heating* laid in, Mom..." "Good grief. I go to the length of finding a father for you who carried fur in his genes, and *still* you moan..."
And AoA Kurt's mullet is surprisingly hot.
I *finally* got a hold of some Gambit backissues. They had almost the entire run, but I limited myself to 1, 2 and 15 ('cuz it had Rogue on the cover).
And is anyone here at all surprised that I'm in love with this series? No, didn't think so.
Mmm, Gambit. And has Nicieza written any X-men? Because I really adore the way he writes Rogue. She just isn't allowed to be snarky anymore, it seems.
Also, she's one smart cookie. They don't show *that* anymore, either. *pout*
I really have to get my dirty little mitts on the rest of this series.
And? I *finally* figured out bit torrents. *dances* I downloaded the Arkham Asylum: Living Hell miniseries and the entire Impulse run (which I haven't finished yet, but Impulse! yay!).
I liked Arkham Asylum, although I don't think they really *needed* to bring in the whole 'demons from hell' plot or the rhyming scheme. I would've been perfectly content just reading about the cool creepiness of Arkham Asylum. Why is it that everything these days needs to be apocalyptic?
Loved the art, too. Surreal and creepy.
Also bought Birds of Prey #69 and Uncanny X-men #... well, whatever the latest one is. And I don't have much to say about either one, except that Uncanny is still palatable enough, and I'm getting really tired of cult villains.