No painkillers ever worked for me, so I'm on the pill now, which has mostly sorted it out. I used to have to stay in bed for three days I would get so sick:S. Lucky you, not having a period for 5 months! I'm tempted to get sterilised when I'm older so I don't have any! I'm going to have cats instead of kids. Worked out this will probably make me live longer. Kids=major stress
Hey this is Yhaun, and I was your friend on deadjournal, and well..since I have a livejournal and you dont update your dj anymore, I was hoping I could be your lj friend, hehe. Well I hope you add me back! I hope those cramps go away soon too..take care!
=D Yhaun! *hugs!* Of course I'll add you back, but it might take me awhile to do so. You see, I'm having privacy problems with my account (stepmother forced me to give her my password and won't let me update regularly, anymore). So if I don't end up deleting this journal, you'll be on my friends list for sure. =) And if I do end up having to delete it, I'll add you to the friends list of my new journal. =) Take care! =D
Comments 11
"obvious questions like "Do you think it's wrong to steal little things?"" You mean it's not?
"Have you ever taken money from someone without asking?" Does a bank count?
I'm going to have cats instead of kids. Worked out this will probably make me live longer. Kids=major stress
<3 Yhaun
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