

Aug 29, 2009 22:17

Being Human.. fuck. New fav show. Oi ( Read more... )

being human, new home, saturdays

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Comments 8

witchbabywigg August 30 2009, 03:57:06 UTC
I saw Berky some time ago, and he asked about you. But you'd been gone so long i didn't have anything to say except that i was pretty sure you're still alive ;)


zek August 30 2009, 23:04:26 UTC
well at least the whole being alive part is true :) if you see him again tell him i said hello! is he anti-internet? no one should be anti-internet.


davev1968 August 30 2009, 18:26:17 UTC
Hey. Welcome back.


zek August 30 2009, 23:04:39 UTC


greggisabastard August 30 2009, 22:46:00 UTC
i liked the original pilot but not so much the series :(


zek August 30 2009, 23:05:08 UTC
aww. i love it. i have a few complaints but they are small enough that i can ignore them and still enjoy the show.


cnjosephyne August 31 2009, 13:59:51 UTC
Good luck, good luck! Need any furniture? I have a window table and a small cd/comp shelf that are free to good home! =)

Glad to see you post!


zek August 31 2009, 21:28:48 UTC
thanks! :) appreciate the offer but I'm good on furniture for the time being. however if you hear about any sofa beds that are of decent quality and super cheap let me know!


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