ZeldaQueen: Okay. Just this and one more chapter and then Year Three is over. I can do this!
Projection Room Voices: Starting Media in 3...2...1...
Chapter 38: Past Imperfect
ZeldaQueen: Yeah, this thing is way past imperfect. I think we're well into "utter trainwreck" territory.
Holly wakes up in the Hospital Wing, along with the other students from their little jaunt. Luna is the only other one awake and promptly begins talking to Holly via their telepathy. God, do I hate that. Oh, and Holly realizes that with Pettigrew gone, they lost their chance to prove Sirius's innocence, which she angsts about. I've already pointed out the inconsistencies in the urgency of catching him, so let's just move on. Luna mentally tells Holly that Fudge is going to give Sirius the Kiss without a trial and that both Dumbledore and Snape are shocked at how unreasonable he's being and are trying to get him to reconsider. I shall repeat that - both Dumbledore and Snape are actively trying to stop this. Snape, who hates Sirius. Snape, who spent this bit of canon being pleased as punch that Sirius would be gone and he'd get Order of Merlin First Class for saving the students
ZeldaQueen: I would also like to remind the suethor that from Fudge's perspective, Sirius is a madman and a killer who supported Voldemort and is desperately trying to murder some teenagers. Not that his canon actions couldn't have been better, but yet again, you're painting him as totally unreasonable and horrid for acting on what he knows. \~/
Holly asks why Dumbledore isn't using his vast power in the Ministry to stop this and I would like to remind the suethor that Dumbledore doesn't necessarily have that much Ministry power. Fudge relies on him for a lot of advice, but can ignore him just as easily. Instead, Luna says that the Aurors are only loyal to Fudge or think that Sirius is too dangerous to keep alive. \~/
Holly then asks about why they aren't being called as witnesses. Luna says that Malfoy and Ron have been unconscious this entire time and Hermione was so hysterical upon waking up that she had to be sedated. Excuse me.
Sorry. Anyway, it apparently never enters their heads that their words aren't worth much, seeing as they're all teenagers who were smacked around the heads and possibly enchanted during the adventure.
Blaise and Neville both wake up, and of course Blaise is screaming like a madman but quiets down as soon as Holly takes his hand. Gah! So that is what gets Dumbledore, Snape, and Fudge to all come bursting in to the Hospital Wing. We get the usual summarizing of canon, complete with the humor drained. Dumbledore insists that he must talk to them, while Madame Pomfrey hands out bars of chocolate. This is not nearly as funny as the boulder-sized lump of chocolate which she knocks pieces off with a hammer. She goes off to her office and Holly starts going on about how Sirius is innocent, blah, blah, blah. Dumbledore says he believes her, but is all tired and run-down as he goes on about how it looks hopeless for Sirius.
Holly starts crying and angsting and then feels her Time Turner. Oh, the suethor is not...
Well, it's not Dumbledore's clever gambit that saves the day here. Instead, it's the Sue who comes up with the plan to go back in time. And she proposes catching Pettigrew, not saving Sirius and Buckbeak. God...
Neville is all in awe of the Time Turner and realizes that ZOMG, this is how Hermione has also been getting to her classes! Speaking of Hermione, she's still unconscious and won't be joining in on the action. Were any of you surprised? Holly pitches the plan to Dumbledore, who replies "That sounds like a marvellous plan. In the meantime, I do believe that I will distract the Minister. Just as dear Severus is doing at this very minute". I...I'm sorry but I really can't get over how the fucking Sue can come up with this but Dumbledore can't!
Dumbledore gives his canon lines about how Sirius is locked Professor Flitwick's office and how they can save more than one innocent life that night. Just go with it. Holly sets off with Luna and Neville and Blaise stays behind, because we still have to milk his angst over werewolves.
The entire beginning of their time travel is summarized and boring and tension-less. When they go to free Buckbeak, incidentally, Neville severs the rope and Holly gets the hippogriff to move by hitting it with Stinging Hexes. Because, I guess she can't be bothered to just lead him away. Bitch.
Everyone is all happy and there is no worries about things not working or confusion, because they're too Mary Sue good for that sort of thing. Holly pulls out the Mauraders' Map and Neville gapes at it like a caveman with fire. They have a stupid discussion about the mysterious Patronus, with comments that it looked like a large dog or cat. This is interrupted by the escaping of Pettigrew, which is promptly quashed when Holly Summons him. In two seconds, they have him Stunned, tied up, and locked in a magically created cage. So much for any tension with that. They then remember that Lupin will be headed that way, so they run off for the other side of the lake.
When they get there, we speed-summarize to the Dementor attack and Holly's realization that she is the one who cast the Patronus. You all want to hear what her Patronus is? Do 'ya?
"An animal burst forth, brighter than every star combined. Only, it wasn't a dog or any kind of big cat. Not a lion or tiger. It glowed like a small, whitish sun and glided over the lake, four paws skimming the water playfully. It reached the far shore, charging at the Dementors, snapping at their heels as they fled in panic.
Soon, they were all gone. And the animal trotted back over to where Holly numbly stood. She gaped at her Patronus.
A wolf. A white wolf.
Its... his reddish gold eyes stared straight back at her. He inclined his furry snout in a distinct bow, lupine mouth curving upwards. He let out a short bark before throwing his back his head and howling. The wolf faded into mist then, but the sound lingered for a moment.
'Holly,' Luna called breathlessly. 'That's amazing. Absolutely amazing.' She struggled to her feet, Neville right beside her.
The older girl blinked as though coming out of a daze. 'It's Blaise.'
'What?' the other two asked together.
'Blaise... my Patronus. It's him.' Holly put her hand over her mouth. 'It's always him.'
Luna smiled. 'He's your protector, so I suppose that it makes sense.'
Neville just shook his head, watching as the mist faded away completely. 'But talk about ironic.'"
ZeldaQueen: Suethor, did you understand the significance of the climax of book three at all? Did you? Because you just went and missed the entire point of it!!!
Well, sit your butt down and I shall explain.
A large part of the third book was Harry finding out about his father. That's a reoccurring theme in the story, his desire to connect and know more about his parents. This was really the first point in which he makes significant connections. He meets Sirius, Lupin, and Pettigrew, who were all his father's best friends from school. Lupin and Sirius both tell him about his father. Before passing out, he thinks he sees his father which, coupled with the reappearance of Pettigrew, leads him to wonder briefly if his father is still alive. When he casts his Patronus and sees that it's a stag, it shows that his father is still alive inside of him, as it represents his father's Animagus form and one's Animagus form and Patronus both symbolize one's inner self.
You, suethor, apparently are quite fine with missing or ignoring it, in order to hammer in a point that we already know. We get it! Blaise and Holly are Just That Connected and devoted to each other and protect each other, yadda, yadda, yadda! We already got that with the stupid mental bonding thing, we don't need it here!
And yes, it really bothers me that much. One of the things I liked about Harry Potter was the emphasis on love for family and friends over romantic love. And this stupid fic completely turned that theme on its head!
*rubs head* It's okay, it's almost over. They run back to Hogwarts, where Dumbledore takes them to the Great Hall, to see Fudge. We get more Fudge bashing, as he keeps insisting on bringing the Dementors into the Great Hall while the teachers tell him off for it. Erm, if he's so desperate to get Sirius Kissed, why not just do it outside? It's not like he wanted to make an example of him. Fudge also is high and mighty and implies that Snape was helping Sirius, despite the fact that in canon, Fudge was wholeheartedly congratulating Snape for turning Black in.
Fudge sees Pettigrew and starts blustering and insisting that Sirius is still an escaped convict and that he'll have to take both him and Pettigrew off to be sorted. Dumbledore and Holly both get in his face and say that he will not and it's just sickening. Snape pulls out Veritaserum and the suethor continues to describe the teachers as acting like they're going to lynch Fudge or something, the way they're smirking and grinning wickedly and evilly at him (yes, those exact adjectives are used).
We then get the "trial" for Sirius and Pettigrew, which is way to drawn out and somehow doesn't tell anything and it's all really boring and I'll spare you. It goes without saying that the Ministry eventually drags off Pettigrew and leaves Sirius and Holly is all happy and I hate this fic.
Onward to:
Chapter 39: Black Dawn Back to:
Chapter 37: Cave Canem Return to:
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