Heart Of The Sea: Chapter 7 - The Island

Dec 04, 2010 13:56

ZeldaQueen: Alright, more rehashing! Yay!

Projection Room Voices: Starting Media in 3...2...1...

Chapter 7: The Island

The day slowly dragged by, and I busied myself with mundane tasks in order to keep my mind occupied.

ZeldaQueen: That shouldn't be too difficult

The attempt was in vain, for my thoughts always returned to my fear of losing Jack.

ZeldaQueen: Geez, clingy and possessive much?

I still loved him, and I always would. He made mistakes in the past, and, as much as I hated to admit it, so had I. We were both human.

ZeldaQueen: That's an...interesting way of putting it. "Oh, we're both pirates who undoubtedly committed many atrocious acts and he just sold his soul to the devil, more or less. But hey, no one's perfect!"

And that’s what frightened me.

ZeldaQueen: Your lame excuse?

Life was such a fragile state - it could be broken or taken away in an instant.

ZeldaQueen: Oh. Of course

And, if there was life after death, that afterlife could be filled with nothing but regret. No one I knew wished to spend eternity wallowing in regret and “what-if.” Bootstrap was an example of that.

ZeldaQueen: Don't you dare judge Bootstrap, you whiny bitch. The dude was the only one who stood up for his captain against a mutiny, was tied to a cannon and dumped into the ocean for his efforts, and nearly spent an eternity at the bottom of the sea, with no hope of escape. The only way he saved himself from that means that he now is a virtual slave and will eventually not even be human. So please, take your "thoughtful" musings and shove them

It wasn’t until near high noon that I decided to take a moment for myself.

ZeldaQueen: This entire fic is for yourself

I slipped away unnoticed to the opposite side of the deck. I chose a spot in the shade that was hidden behind the mast, and walked over to the banister. I watched as dolphins leapt and played about in the water below, but didn’t smile.

ZeldaQueen: I don't care. Get on with it

“Dolphins are a good omen,” said a voice from behind.

I felt his presence next to me then.

ZeldaQueen: Jack promptly shoved the Sue overboard. "Told you so," he muttered

“Nothing is a good omen anymore.” I answered, my voice bitter.

ZeldaQueen: *emo tear*

“You’re still thinking about the mark.”

ZeldaQueen: I love how the Sue is determined to take the spotlight here, even though it's Jack who's going to be dragged off by a sea monster

I turned to face Jack. “I want to go to Jones. I want to exchange my life for yours.”

ZeldaQUeen: (Sue) "After all, it's about me!"

He looked horrified at the idea. “If you think you can commit suicide to send yourself to the locker, you’ve got another thing coming.”

ZeldaQueen: Jack, I'm on your side here. Let the Sue kill herself

“I’m not going to commit suicide. I’m going to go straight to the source.”

Jack’s eyes held within them an emotion that I had yet to see: pure, unabashed fear.

ZeldaQueen: Oh AS IF!

“Kate, don’t do this. Don’t risk your life to save mine.”

“Jack Sparrow, can it be that you’re not as egotistical as I used to think?” I asked, feigning shock.

“It’s Captain, and no, I’m not as egotistical as you used to think.”

ZeldaQueen: (Jack) "The suethor has warped me out of character, you see"
He leaned against the railing, crossing his arms over his chest.


He looked at me, his eyes almost burrowing into my soul.

ZeldaQueen: How nasty

“Why are you doing this? What are you going to profit from all of this?” he inquired.

“I’m doing this to save your ass,” I replied.

ZeldaQueen: What modern lingo

“If I profit at all, then it will be that you won’t have to go through hell.”

ZeldaQueen: (Sue) "Because I'm selfless, you see"

“You won’t let me go through hell, as was the bargain, but you’ll send yourself to the depths for me?”

“If it means that you get to be free again, then yes.”

ZeldaQueen: Jack, just give up. The Sue's going to die to save you, and she's going to redeem Jones and have tentacle sex with him. The sooner you learn to deal with that, the better

He said nothing, but turned his head to look out over the crystal blue horizon.

ZeldaQueen: After reading My Inner Life, reading anything described as "crystal blue" makes me bristle

“Jack, you’ve worked so hard to get back this ship, to become a free man once again,” I said softly. “You used to say that the Pearl is your freedom. I don’t want it to become your prison. If anyone deserves this liberty, it’s you. And I’m not going to let Jones take that away.”

ZeldaQueen: Yes, because he's hot and you want to bone him. That means he's perfectly entitled to freedom. Oy. I find it oddly convenient that the Sue already knows about Davy Jones and Norrington, but doesn't know that the reason Jack's in this position was to get the Pearl to begin with. Or else, she's determined to ignore it

He looked at me then. “You’re willing to sacrifice your life for my freedom?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

“I thought you hated me,” he said with a small smile. “You made it clear.”

ZeldaQueen: Jack, she's a Mary Sue. They always mean "yes please *squee*", no matter what they say

“I was angry. And I still am. But that’s not a good enough reason to let you become one of Jones’s prisoners. Bootstrap was a fool, Jack, but you’re not.

ZeldaQueen: Bitch, you did not! *growls*

I honestly wonder why the suethor dislikes Bootstrap so much. Because he delivered the Mark? Because he's William's father and she hates Will and Elizabeth? What?

If anyone can beat the Devil, it’s you. You could beat Jones at his own game.”

ZeldaQueen: Yes, by using everyone available like pawns, however they best can serve his purposes *pointed stare*

Jack shrugged. “I can’t talk my way out of this one; you know damn well that I’ve tried.”

ZeldaQueen: Um, no. Jack would try to talk his way out of anything, if only to have a chance to run away. Why is he being all emo, anyway? Why isn't he giving the Sue a grin and guilting her into sleeping with him?

“You won’t try to talk your way out of anything.” I said sternly.

As Jack opened his mouth to retort, we were interrupted by Leech.

ZeldaQueen: (Leech) "For the love of Mother and Child, will you stop angsting and give us a destination?"

“Land ho! Port side!” he yelled from the crow’s nest.

ZeldaQueen: Look at how much pirate lingo the suethor knows!

I glanced over the port side, and saw that the ship was nearing an island, with a shoal of sandy beach before it. Tall palms and tropical brush rose above the beach in the distance, and I recognized it as the island on which Jack had been marooned before.

ZeldaQueen: *holds head* How does she know what island that is?

And I find it very hard to believe that this is the same island. For starters, this one is populated. Barbossa would never maroon Jack on an island with people. The idea was for Jack to starve to death. Second, the first movie tells us that the island Jack was left on was secretly used for smuggling by other pirates. Why would pirates hide stolen goods in a place where they know that there's a chance that someone might find and take it? Third of all, does the island with cannibals look remotely like the one that Jack and Elizabeth were left on in the first movie?

Shut up

“I always end up back here,” he muttered.

ZeldaQueen: So go somewhere else

Upon reaching the island, Jack and I went ahead of the rest of the crew. Jack had grasped my hand tightly, and gave me a look as we entered the tropical forest.

“Stay close to me,” he ordered. “If the warrior tribe is still on this island, they’re bound to hide in the brush and wait to ambush.”

ZeldaQueen: Hoooo boy...

I stared at him. “Warrior tribe?”

“Remember the ‘chief’ story?”


He grinned. “I didn’t make that one up.”

“Holy sh-”

ZeldaQueen: Holy modern cussing, Batman!

And okay, Jack knows that this island is populated. So why in the blue blazes is he taking them all wandering into the middle of it, without any plans or weapons?

I was cut off when I felt someone tear me away from Jack. I struggled against the strong grasp, and, upon glancing over at Jack, I found that he hadn’t struggled against his captor at all.

ZeldaQueen: The Sue was then distracted by the thought of Jack in bondage
“Don’t fight them, Kate,” he said. “We’re in a bit of a predicament - you don’t want to anger them now, when they have the upper hand.”

ZeldaQueen: This has got to be the most contrived way to get them captured that I've ever seen

I made to reply, but I was cut off by a prick on my neck.

ZeldaQueen: Neither the time, nor the place, Jack!

I'm sorry

Almost immediately, everything went black.

ZeldaQueen: And then it went technicolor, as the hallucinogens kicked in

I awoke sometime later to find myself being paraded through a small village that was filled with various huts. The island’s natives - all manner of men, women, and children - watched curiously, and I felt as if I were an animal on display.

When at last I was set before a large throne, I glanced up and smiled.

Jack sat atop the throne, garbed in ornate ceremonial robes.

ZeldaQueen: Okay, why are they parading her up to him? Why didn't they stick her in the cages, with everyone else? Will was dragged up because he was a newcomer

“Well, Jack, you always thought yourself a king,” I whispered to him.

He didn’t respond, but stared at me blankly, as if he had never seen me before.

“Jack,” I struggled. “Jack, tell them! Tell them to let me go.”

ZeldaQueen: *suspicious* Wait. The suethor isn't doing what I think she's doing, is she?

As if in a trance, he stepped down from his throne, and gave my arm a pinch. I flinched slightly, and glared at him.

He spoke in what I assumed to be the native tongue, for I had never heard it before.

The warriors nodded, and approached me.

It wasn’t until then that I noticed that the throne was no ordinary one - it was constructed of human bones.

“Jack,” I said desperately, “please! Tell them to let me go!”

ZeldaQueen: Wonderful. The Sue is taking Will's lines. Is he even in this fic at all?

From the corner of my eye, I could see a warrior motioning towards my leg. He rubbed his stomach, suggesting that I would
make a fine meal.

ZeldaQueen: I'd rethink that, if I were him. Sue's are sickeningly sweet

Upon seeing this gesture, Jack nodded, and the tribe burst into cheers.

“No!” I screamed as the warriors grabbed me.

ZeldaQueen: Yes! Eat the Sue!

I looked at Jack again.

“What did you tell them?” I demanded.

ZeldaQueen: Something a lot less funny than "Eunichy snip-snip", I'm sure

Jack remained silent.

The warriors dragged me past Jack, and I struggled fruitlessly. He was the only one that could save us both - the tribe evidently listened to him.

His eyes rolled wildly in his head, and this caught my attention.

“Save me, Kate!” he whispered desperately out of the corner of his mouth.

ZeldaQueen: That useless bint? Sorry Jack, you're rather screwed until Will comes along

The warriors dragged me to a large chasm over which two cages of bone dangled from thick rope. I noted that the crew of the Pearl was trapped and, before I could react, I was thrown into one of the cages.

ZeldaQueen: I'm very much enjoying this

“What’s going on?” I asked as I struggled to my feet. “Why would he do this, if he’s the chief…”

ZeldaQueen: This fic has so much plagiarism, it would do Rose Potter proud

“Aye,” Gibbs replied dismally from the opposite gate. “The Pelegostos made Jack their chief, but he stays chief so long as he acts like a chief. This means he can’t do anything they think a chief ought not do. Don’t take this the wrong way, Missy. Jack loves ye, but he can’t let the warriors know that or else you’ll be the first one they’re coming after.”

ZeldaQueen: And even now, the Sue needs to be reminded that Jack wuvs her, dawww!!! I worry about how jealous and clingy a girl must be, if she takes everything her sweetie says at face value, even if he's clearly lying

I sank to my feet. “He’s a captive, too.”

Gibbs frowned. “Worse, as it turns out. The Pelegostos believe that Jack is a god, trapped in human form. They intend to do him the honor of releasing him from his fleshy prison.”

ZeldaQueen: (Gibbs) "Wait, wasn't I supposed to have this conversation with Will Turner?"

I glanced at Gibbs, then at Cotton, who had decided to add his piece. He mimed something about being mutilated with a knife, and I felt my heart stop. I knew that the color had drained from my face.

First Jones, now this.

“They’ll roast him and eat him. It’s a deeply held religious belief,” Gibbs mused. “Or, we figure that they’re just awful hungry.”

ZeldaQueen: (Gibbs) "The suethor has a terrible sense of humor, can you tell?"

“Gibbs, if you’re trying to cheer me, you’re doing a bad job of it.”

ZeldaQueen: Because this is all about the Sue's feelings, after all

He said nothing.

I glanced around, and I could see most of the crew between the two cages, but a good many were gone. I had a strong urge to take roll call.

ZeldaQueen: Insert Mystery Science Theater 3000 joke here

“Where’s everyone else?” I asked.

“These cages we’re in,” Gibbs sighed, “wasn’t built until after we got here.”

“Shit!” I cursed, feeling frustrated and defeated.

ZeldaQueen: Um, I don't think an eighteenth-century English girl would say that

I looked at Gibbs. “Why am I the last one thrown in here, then? Why didn’t they kill me first if Jack loves me?”

ZeldaQueen: How does that work? If they figure that their deity loves her, why not burn and eat 'em together.

I mean, I'm not opposed to killing the Sue. I'm just saying...

“He told them to save the woman for last,” he answered. “The natives still haven’t figured out the relationship part yet.”

ZeldaQueen: What happened to Anamarie? Wasn't she only the ship still? Is Kate really the only woman?

Jack’s doing all he can to save me, I thought, when he probably can’t even save himself.

ZeldaQueen: Jack Sparrow cares first and foremost about saving himself, as proven by the fact that he was all set to run for the ship and leave his crew behind

“The feast starts when the sun sets,” Gibbs murmured gravely. “Jack’s life will end…when the drums stop.”

ZeldaQueen: Good riddance. Escaping this fic through dying will be a blessing for him

Onward to: Chapter 8: The Rescue

Back to:  Chapter 6: Marked

Return to:  Table of Contents

chapter 7, suethor: gethesemane butler, fic: heart of the sea, the island

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