Marked: Chapter 4

Jan 20, 2011 08:25

ZeldaQueen: For those of you wondering, it's about two more chapters until we get to the damned House of Night thing. So let's get going

Projection Room Voices: Starting Media in 3...2...1...

Chapter 4

ZeldaQueen: So after that introduction to Zoey's lovely family, we join Our Protagonist in her bedroom, while she hacks her lungs up and listens to her folks call up the psychiatrist and the "Prayer Tree", specifically "fat women and their beady-eyed pedophile husbands". You know, Suethors, it's one thing to have a church with one or two nutty folk in it. It's quite another to describe almost all of the people in it in unflattering terms.

So yeah, she goes on about how all of these people are going to show up and do useless stuff and pray to God that she be a better kid, and didn't she have a plan in mind or something? It really doesn't help that she makes out like the entire thing is just going to be an inconvenience and an annoyance, instead of how she's angry that they don't understand what's up with her.

Fortunately, Zoey is apparently the sort to leave a spare key hidden under the flowerpot, so she slips out the window and revs up her car. She reflects on how she intended to do this secret escape thing in the event she had to hide out at Kayla's house or maybe go make out with Heath, but "then Heath started drinking and I started to change into a vampyre. Sometimes life doesn't make any sense". There's a lengthy aside in parenthesis about her Beetle and how her stepfather wouldn't let her keep it in the garage because he thinks the lawn mower is more important than it. And I might as well bring this up here, but the Suethors for this thing have a really bad tendency to overuse parenthesis. I guess they figure that the witty asides are clever, but it just gets annoying and makes you wonder why so much information isn't just said. Somewhere in the world, my old English teachers are smacking their foreheads.

So anyway, Zoey drives off and turns off her cell phone and we find out that, what a shocker, there is apparently one family member left that she loves and is on her way to see. We are thus introduced to Grandma Redbird. I'm going to be honest folks, it is a welcome change that the bitchy teen protagonist does have at least one family member she really cares about. There is also something about Grandma that is annoying though, and we'll get to that soon enough.

An hour and a half later, Zoey pulls in at her grandmother's lavender farm and is now all achey, coughing, and generally feeling gross. And wouldn't you know it, Grandma isn't even at home! She is out on the bluffs, collecting wildflowers, so Zoey has to go stumbling along and tells us how great her grandma is, how she always knows when Zoey was on her way to visit, and how she helped Zoey out during the first few months her mom was married to John.

And just like that, she suddenly has an epiphany that she'll have vengeance, she'll have salvation

"Then an amazing thought hit me and I came to a complete stop. My parents no longer controlled what I did. I wasn't going to live with them ever again. John couldn't tell me what to do anymore. Whoa! How awesome!"

ZeldaQueen: Um, you're only figuring this out now? Dude, Harry Potter figured that out in about two seconds. And there we have it, so much for caring about most of her family. *sigh* At least there's still Grandma.

Speaking of Grandma Redbird, Zoey decides that she can't wait to tell her this great news, so she goes running off to find her. And...the chapter ends there. Huh. That was a brief one.
Onward to: Chapter 5

Back to: Chapter 3

Back to:  Table of Contents

suethor: kristin cast, fic: marked, book 1, chapter 4, series: house of night, suethor: pc cast

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