Day 94: A song by an artist/band that you think is over-rated.
I'm just not that impressed by My Chemical Romance. They've got a few songs, like this one, that I think are pretty good, but they're not one of my favorites. Plus, I find their lead singer annoying after a very short time.
To be honest, I have some trouble distinguishing ska and raggae by ear... I guess that's why I picked one with a title that declares it really is ska, three times! XD
Well, I have been meaning to get myself some Tool. I'm a fan of compilation albums for bands I'm not into enough to own everything they've ever done. I like this song as well as "Vicarious," "Sober," and several others.
I'm not entirely sure why, but I cannot stand Jane's Addiction in more than very small doses with lots of time in between. I particularly hate the dogs barking in this song.